[17] I forgot to give you this...

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Lemon spits out the cloth "You're a fucking diesel you know that."

"What did you just say?" Melanie's deep brown eyes flickered with fury. She takes a baseball bat from behind Lemon's chair.

"Fuck! Not again!"

She repeatedly hits Lemon in the stomach.

Tangerine gets angry and runs up to Melanie to defend his brother, he stops in his tracks and winces clutching his shoulder, unable to run.

I bolted towards her, thank god I chose not to wear heels today. I tackle her to the ground, throwing the baseball bat out of her arm. I pin her arms to the floor, she evilly glares at me with her bloodshot eyes.

She struggles underneath my strength, I lift an arm to throw a punch at her before she rolls out from under me and my fist pounds the concrete. I yelp but quickly shake off the pain, she gets up and charges toward me, her fists clenched tight.

I catch one of her punches with the palm of my hand and twist her arm around until I hear a click, and then a shriek in agony as she crumbles to the ground.

"Fuck, you broke my wrist." She whimpers, cradling her injured arm

"Yeah? Well you broke my heart." I sit on the ground near her, wiping sweat from my forehead and tears from my cheeks as we both gradually calm down.

"I broke yours? You took everything from me! My job, my home, my life and my fucking cocaine." She sobs.

"You were the one who agreed to take that court case on me, so don't even try to play the victim."

"What are you talking about?"

"The court case, the one on Y/N L/N, why'd you have to take it? First you go and leave me with our shitty parents when I'm 4 years old, and to top it off you try to get me arrested." Now I'm the one in hysterics, even when I'm trying to hide my emotions my past just brings it all out of me.

"I didn't know it was you!" Melanie admits, without a hint of distruth. "It had been 20 years since I left, I didn't recognise your name and I certainly wouldn't expect you to be on trial for murder."

"I only exposed your addiction to clear my name, and because I thought you took the case on me on purpose, I didn't want to make you lose your job, you're my sister and I loved you," I confess "I needed you."

"I'm sorry for leaving you with them, I had to get out after dealing with their shit for 10 years. Once I left I turned to the only place I could go, constantly running with one gang or another, I even did my first line of coke when I was 11 and things went downhill from there." She truly looked remorseful and sorry. "You know I came back though."

I look at Melanie, confused, she continues "I even got off the cocaine so I could come back for you when I was about 23, you would've been 17. I was working as a lawyer, I was successful and wealthy and I was ready to face my past and try to save you from Mum and Dad, but when I saw our traumatic childhood home had been abandoned, I just assumed you, Mum and Dad had forgotten me and moved on. It didn't take long before I was on cocaine again."

"Mum and Dad ran out on me when I was 16, and took all of the money that they made me steal. I couldn't bear to stay a second longer in that house and left a few days after they did. I survived on the streets for a bit and made my money as an assassin, and well here I am now."

"Oh shit, I just missed you back then."

"Yeah, shit." We are both bawling our eyes out reminiscing, I've never seen her like this. I lean in for a hug, craving familial love that wasn't fake for once. Melanie flinches thinking that I would hit her, before she embraces me with all her strength, forgetting her sprained wrist.

I seem to forget where I am, it feels as though I'm 4 years old again, and am able to express emotions without a care in the world, before someone interrupts,

"Hellooo? Can you unchain me?" Lemon sighed.

We let go of each other and stand up, I dust off my clothes and dry my eyes.

"Right, sorry." Melanie laughs, Lemon doesn't even seem bothered by it.

Tangerine, who was awkwardly standing by the door looked over at me, an emotional wreck. I stagger over to him.

"You know, you're quite the pro at this assassin stuff, Melanie." I say, genuinely surprised by her skills.

"I mean since I can't become a lawyer, I could get with a career in this." Melanie adds.

An idea comes to mind "Congratulations, you've got yourself a job."

She looks hopeful but a little perplexed "What are you saying?"

"You've got MY job."

"Y/N, I can't do that-"

"I mean take all of the jobs here in Japan, it's a criminal hotspot in Kyoto, there's even more in Tokyo. I'll head back to England, take care of all the jobs there, but step on my turf and I'll break your other wrist." I joke.

"Yeah that's perfect, thanks sis!"

"W-w-wait, what's that now?" Tangerine asks.

"Get out of the hotel we're staying at, get an apartment in England!" I look up at Tangerine pleadingly "What do you say?"

"No." He states bluntly.

"C'mon man, I love that idea!" Lemon gets up out of the chair.

"2 against one, it's settled," I decide, Tangerine rolls his eyes but agrees.

I hug Melanie goodbye and we see her off as we walk to the car, I sit behind the wheel and Tangerine sits beside me in the passenger seat.

I watch as Lemon hesitates to reach for the car door, he abruptly turns around and yells "MELANIE!"

Her face pales, fearing that he's going to hit her. I don't interfere because I suppose it's a little justified.

Lemon strides towards her and says "I forgot to give you this.."

Timidly she says "Hey I'm sorry about the whole beating you up thing."

"Nah it's alright, I'm into that." Lemon jokes.

Tangerine and I stare in shock as Lemon pulls her in for a long kiss, Melanie even seems to kiss back, in the car we just awkwardly.

Lemon walks back to the car with a giddy grin on his face.

"What the fuck was that?" Tangerine asks, sounding slightly traumatised. Lemon says nothing and stares out of the window of the back seat dreamy-eyed.

I drive off and Tangerine books a flight for the three of us to England tomorrow morning.

We get back to our hotel.

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