[13] Not only is she smoking hot...

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Lemon and I head to the kitchen as Tangerine and Scarlett go to their room to unpack Scarlett's bags.

"So, every word out of her mouth is bullshit right." Lemon confirms.

"Yep." I agree.

"Y/N, what happened in the bathroom yesterday."

"I just went and touched up my hair is all."

"Lies, when you left your hair was all roughed up."

"Rude, and why are you interrogating me?"

"She fight you?"

"Maybe, so what."

"Nothing, just know, Tang won't let her lay a finger on you."

I did know that, I don't know why the fuck I felt intimidated by Scarlett, but I still felt compelled to go into their room and check up on them.

I go to knock on their door but hesitate, I didn't want to bother Scarlet. The sound of laughter aggravates and somewhat confuses me.

The next couple of hours go by really quick, surprisingly without any drama which is rare, especially with scarlet around. We went to eat lunch and then watched the news to see if our names were going to be mentioned and then when we went down to have dinner, Scarlett refused to join which was totally suspicious and weird. But who cares, it was nice to get a break from all of the fake smiling I had to force when I was around her.

I get changed for bed, obviously into something out of Tangerines wardrobe, this time it was a large off-white sweatshirt which fit me snuggly.

I'm sharing the sofa with Lemon for tonight because Scarlett just couldn't keep her hands off of Tangerine.

I head back to the living room where Lemon is sitting on the edge of the pull out bed, his eyes glued to the TV. I turn to look at what he's watching and surprise surprise it was Thomas the Tank Engine.

I sit down next to him and we start mindlessly watching the show. I always wished I could watch cartoons growing up but my rough upbringing wouldn't allow me. I hate being reminded of my childhood, but still, core memories like watching cartoons with a friend is something I would've killed to have.

"Let's do some karaoke, that would surely piss that skanky bitch off" I suggest to keep my mind off of my past.

"Y/N, if I ever say no to that question, I want you to shoot me in the head."  He says in full seriousness.

We jump up and Lemon connects his Spotify account to the tv. He plays his Lady Gaga playlist and we start dancing around belting out the lyrics, not missing a beat. I forget all about Tangerine and whats-her-face in the other room.

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I sleep in the bed next to Scarlett, this time not by my own accord, she told me that she felt cold and wanted me to sleep beside her, to quote her words it was "Just like old times."

Old times, what even is that to her? To me it was heartbreak, betrayal, manipulation, and something I still am not truly over.

Of course I don't trust her, how can you trust somebody who only loved you for your money for the entirety of your relationship, somebody who stood you up on the day you were going to propose.

But when she came knocking on our door, I saw the look on her face, her emotions seemed so real. I really cannot tell if I'm still under her manipulative spell from years ago or not.

I hadn't talked to Scarlett since she left me that voice mail when she left 'I'm sorry, this isn't working, I have to leave.' No tears, no emotion in her voice, no nothing. It was clear to me that she never cared, and that meant to me that nobody else ever could. Lemon is the only person I've ever truly trusted, him and... him and Y/N. I don't want to be blinded by love again, but Y/N is just so much different.

I lay awake staring at the ceiling when I'm jumped by loud music booming through the walls, oh god tell me that isn't Lady Gaga, for fucks sake Lemon.

Singing along to Poker Face, Lemon begins
"I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas please, "

Y/N chimes in with the "Fold 'em let em hit me baby raise it stay with me." Y/N's voice surprises me, its powerful and still so beautiful even as she lets loose singing.

They continue to alternate lines, Scarlett restlessly tosses and turns under the covers, inching closer and closer to me. It sickens me somewhat.

"Ugh make them stop." She groans, over-dramatically covering her ears with a pillow.

"Let them have their fun" I sigh.

"You know I get bad headaches"

"Ok, put some earplugs in then aswell."

"Fine." She huffs.

I wish I could join in Lemon and Y/N's singing, it sounds more fun to be making a fool of my self singing that spending another draining second with this whinging backstabber.

"Tangyyy make them stop." She pouts.

God I hate it when she calls me that.

"Fine." I use it as an excuse to visit Y/N and Lemon.

I creak the door open and join them in the living room to see them both jumping and dancing about the pull out bed, having a blast. Y/N looks so stunning, her hair wildly blown about and a smile on her pretty face.

'Could you lot maybe keep it down, wicked witch of the west's orders." I say, clearly talking about Scarlett.

They both stare at me blankly, then proceed to carry on singing only this time louder. I roll my eyes.

Wait a minute, is Y/N wearing my sweatshirt? At this point I didn't even mind, it suited her.

The song quickly ends and skips to the next. I instantly recognise the song, it was bad romance by Lady Gaga, Lemons all time favourite song, ever since we were little.

"Come on Tang! I know you know it" Lemon begs, inviting me to join in with there singing.

"Oh-oh-oh-ohhhhh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh CAUGHT IN A BAD ROMANCE" Y/N sings, making me laugh at her commitment.

But if I'm being honest she has an angelic voice that I've never heard before.

Fuck, not only is she smoking hot, she's also extremely talented.

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