[7] 'T2Trappy'

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One policeman approaches us, I look at Tangerine waiting on him to get us out of this somehow. He's just taking it, which is unlike him. The officer reasons with us "Cooperate with us and we won't need to cuff you."

One security guard walks through the automatic doors, Tangerine realizes that they're open and appears to be planning something stupid, I shoot him a glare to as if to say 'Don't even think about it.'

We're just about to enter the car before Tangerine just sprints for it, his heavy jacket must've been weighing him down because an officer caught up to him with ease, tackling him to the pavement and cuffing him.

I laugh at his stupidity.

The officer orders another officer "And cuff the accomplice." As he walks past me and throws Tangerine into the backseat, before the other officer places handcuffs on me and gently sits me down in the car beside a hopeless Tangerine.

"Accomplice? I don't even know him!" I bullshit to try to get out of this.

The officer driving scoffs "Yeah right honey, you can cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife."

Tangerine huffs.
I nervously bounce my leg amidst the awkward silence.

"This isn't how I expected to see you in handcuffs." Tangerine comments.

I didn't hate the idea. Fuck, why didn't i hate the idea?
Oh no, I feel myself go red, for fucks sake I can't give him the satisfaction of making me blush. He chuckles, pleased with himself.

"Oh don't give me the silent treatment darlin." He remarks.

"Do not call me darling." I snap.

"You know you love it."

It's true, I did. The police officers overhear our conversation from the front seat, and silently judge us with their eyes.

We arrive at the jail, we are shoved and prodded around by officers until we were put in the holding cell. It wasn't as dank and musty as I had anticipated, I sit on one of the uncomfortable chairs.

I try to zone out, I try to stay positive, find a way out of this bullshit.

It hits me as I'm zoned out, in the holding cell of a jail, for something I never would've expected to be in for, that I'm done for, there's no getting out of this one.

Tangerine's paces around in stress trying to calm himself down, then looks up.

"Fuck we need to get out." He announces.

"Why so urgent? Bad hair day?" I mock, trying to irritate him.

"No," he sighs, "look at the most wanted board."

I follow his gaze and trace it to a photo smack bang in the middle of the most wanted board, of a far younger, moustacheless man, with fluffy grown out curls and a smug expression in his mugshot. It was obvious that it was him though, despite the fact that the wanted poster called him by the name 'T2Trappy'.

"Shit, that's you?" It hurts my chest to hold back my laughter.

"I escaped from this same jail a few years back." He clarifies.

"T2Trappy? That was your old code name?" I fail to stifle my laughter and it bursts out of me, just watching his face flush.

"Well I'm sure you've had some worse codenames in the past, I mean what kind of a code name is Y/N anyways?" Tangerine defends.

"I'll have you know, that's not in fact a codename." I confirm crossing my arms.

"Wha- Y/N are you kidding?" He scolds "It's all over the headlines- I mean you are done for, all it'd take for somebody in here to recognise you would be for them to pick up their bloody phone."

"Ok ok you're right, we need to get out, how did you escape last time?"

"Well talk about the code name later but basically I asked to take a piss, knocked out the guard, climbed out a window of a bathroom and then down the fire escape. But I s'pose if security's increased after I broke out of here, you'd need to-" He hesitates.

"To what."

"I don't know, flirt with the guard a little?"

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