[4] Give him a chance!

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Walking into the hotel's lobby, I feel overwhelmed, it's even bigger on the inside. Marbled floors and huge chandeliers filled the vast room, complimenting the overpowering aroma of lemon grass and fancy wine. Paintings that cost more than my life's savings hung on the tall walls. We head to the front desk where a middle aged woman sits with a slick bun.

"How may I help you?" She greeted, in a polite tone.

"Hiya love, could we get one room for the three of us?" Tangerine asks.
Hearing him call other women love makes my hair stand on ends, but i brush it off as its probably him just being polite.

"Terribly sorry, but the only room we have available has one double bed and a pull out sofa bed in the living room. We can bring extra blankets and pillows to accommodate you better." The lady suggests.

The three of us share a look, this was the nicest hotel imaginable and no matter what I wanted to stay here. I read the boys' faces which told me they felt the same way.

Tangerine pays the nice lady and i notice his wallet that is usually packed with crisp notes is running a bit short. Nothing to worry about now though.

A bell boy comes over and escorts us to our room, it must of been the most beautiful room i have ever seen. Immediately Lemon shouts "Well I'm sleeping on the pull-out." we look over at him "Anything beats sleeping next to either one of you."


Tangerine and I walk into the only bedroom, I notice the bed is a bit smaller than I imagined. If we were to share the tiny bed, it would mean touching each other. I shudder at the thought, so I declare "I ain't sleeping in that tiny bed with you."

He gives me a smirk, "That's the first time hearing a girl doesn't want to sleep in the same bed with me."

He chuckles at his own joke before he sees I'm unimpressed by his snarky comment and matches my energy

"Fine then, sleep on the floor for all I care.'' His cold tone reminds me that he can be a real dick sometimes.

It gets late, about 1 AM-ish, and we're all famished. Given that the hotel restaurant is open all night, we take liberty of it and head downstairs to the completely cleared out restaurant, choosing the table nearest the open fire, just for the vibes. When we get seated an overly eager waitress comes over to take our order, I assume she was the only one awake. After 30 minutes, she returns with our orders and we all scoff them down. Although they're somewhat cold, they still taste divine.

Even after fully eating our meals, Lemon and I are still hungry so we order some dessert.

"Right I'm off to bed, im well knackered." Tangerine yawns.

He takes off to the stairwell, after him I yell "Night." He doesn't even turn back round.

"Rude." I huff, twiddling with the fork on my plate.

"He isn't always you know." Lemon assures me.

"He hasn't smiled once since I've met him, believe me I take notice...and offense."

"My brother has this thing about trust, and he's probably trusting me not tell you about it. So I'm trusting you Y/N, give him a chance."

"I will, I mean I am but he isn't giving me one I feel." Lemon and i continue our conversation.

"Give him time. Under the knuckle dusters and obnoxious ego, he truly is a lovely chap, and I've seen the way he looks at you Y/N, and it's with anything but hate." Lemon is practically begging me to get together with Tangerine.

"Sorry mate, i'm not gonna get with Tangerine." I say in deep denial, in an attempt to convince myself that I'm not. But how can't I be, he's everything I want in a man, hes protective, and strong, and I have to admit he is unbelievably dashing.

The waitress interrupts our conversation by handing us our desserts which we devour in an instant.

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