[5] Can you shut up for once

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We both walked up to our room, I told Lemon goodnight and tiptoed toward the small bed which Tangerine lay sprawled out on, fast asleep. Beside the bed on the cold hard floor, Tangerine had laid out a pillow and blanket. The gesture sounds sweet initially, but it bugged me how he didn't want me in the bed.

I realize I'm still wearing my outdoor clothes. All I packed in my suitcase was a couple outfits, my makeup and sanitary bag, and a gun, no pjs, I had planned to wear nothing to sleep but I suppose that'd be a little awkward here.

Tangerine's suitcase was overflowing with clothes, I dig around the sea of Armani and Prada suits for any casual clothes, it is hard to picture him in anything other than a suit, I mean he is passed out wearing one at the moment.

I find a t-shirt of his, I hold it up to myself in the mirror, it was an Iron Maiden band shirt and it was huge on me. It'll do nicely.

I put it on and slip under the blanket on the floor. The hum of car engines and howling of wind outside the window soothes me to sleep.
It wasn't the most uncomfortable thing possible, I just felt a little bit cold.

I start to drift off, the next thing that I remember is being delicately lifted from the floor and onto a comfy mattress by familiar arms. Oh, just a dream, I tell myself as I begin to fall asleep.
An arm is placed on my waist suddenly, it catches me off guard a little. I knew those arms anywhere.

"Tangerine, what are you-" I begin

"Shhh" he mumbled "can you shut up for once."

I begin to drowse off in his arm, I felt warm.

I was rudely awoken by a blinding ray of sunlight shining in my eye, the sound of curtains opening, and a cheerful voice which announced "Morninnnnn"

"Turn off the light Lemon." I yawn as he exits the room.

I roll over so that I'm not facing the sunlight, I lay there like that for a second until I hear a voice oddly near to me say "Wakey wakey then" and I open my eyes.

It's Tangerine?! I shriek and back up until I roll off the bed.

"You alright love?" He jokes.

I briskly stand up, and pull the oversized shirt down.
"I'm fine." I state. Tangerine props himself up in the bed and looks at me, with a genuine, sweet smile on his face. We make eye contact and stay like that for a few seconds, it felt awkward coming from Tangerine, but it felt right.

Lemon barges in "Oh, love the shirt Y/N, do I recognise it from somewhere?" Lemon teases.

I shoot a look at Tangerine, he doesn't have his usual grimace on, he actually looks quite content.

"Hurry up and get changed already! I've got big news" Lemon hollers from the kitchen

Tangerine begins to take off his baggy T-shirt, he must've changed out of his suit in the middle of the night when he picked me up. He lifts it up to reveal chiseled abs and his V-line. My eyes are glued to him.

Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?

"Hey hey hey! Let me leave the bloody room first!" I blurted out.

I quickly grab my things and hurry out of the room, he stares intently at me with that smirk of his which I despise, but can't help but feel flustered by.
I head into the bathroom to change my outfit, and touch up my hair and makeup. I don't usually care about my looks, but recently I've had this strong need to impress someone.

As I step out of the door, I hear Tangerine and Lemon having a conversation, not an argument for once. Lemon mentions "So, what's the deal with you and Y/N huh? You dating or what?"

"No, fuck no theres no deal whatsoever. I would never get with someone like her." Tangerine explains.

My stomach knots at his cruel words. I don't have the highest expectations of Tangerine due to his arrogant persona, but I didn't think I'd ever hear him say something so insulting about me.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean 'someone like me'?" I interjected, trying to conceal the hurt in my voice.

"Well- no- I- Y/N obviously i didn't mean it like that." He sputters trying to excuse himself.

"Fucking forget it, as if i care." Of course I cared, and as much as I wanted not to, I couldn't act as if I didn't.
I storm back into the bedroom, and just perch on the edge of the bed, trying to process everything on my mind. What is it about him that drives me fucking crazy.

"Oh mate, you've really gone and fucked everything now." Lemon tells Tangerine before he announces "Oh by the way, we've got ourselves a job in 20 mins."

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