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  "You look like her dad or something not her boyfriend.." Sunoo commented while taking pictures of the couple standing in front of him. "Are you saying I look like dad material?" Jay scratched his neck, looking at you then back at Sunoo.

  "Yeah, you look like our dad or uncle." You chuckled, fixing Jay's collar. "Well, it's not my fault you guys chose to dress like little kids." He shrugged, pointing at the two of you. Jungwon just stood there, watching the 3 of you bicker.

  "Could you guys shut up? It's like my ears are gonna bleed any second now!" Jungwon whined, pushing the three of you and through the door. "Um, anyways I'm gonna look around." You announced, walking around and looking at the swimming pool.

  "Wah! I wanna get in already.." You exhaled before walking back over to the group. "Jungwon am I right or wrong? I mean look at him and look at me!" Sunoo turned Jungwon's head to Jay then back at himself, you giggled at the sight.

  "What are you doing to the poor boy, Sunoo?" You pointed at Jungwon while holding your stomach and laughing. "Oh my god, shut up and go look around!" Jay shoved Jungwon and Sunoo before running to the kitchen.

  The 3 of you went to check out the pool, finding Ni-ki in the process. "I guess Ni-ki wanted to tag along." Jungwon shrugged his shoulders while patting the duck that sat in the water. "Wait Jungwon come here." You pulled him by the shirt and whispered to him.

  "Let's push Sunoo in the pool." You giggled with Jungwon, Sunoo side-eyed you two suspiciously. "Is the water cold?" You asked Sunoo, getting closer to him with Jungwon. You watched as Sunoo dipped his finger in the pool.

  "It's just righ- back up!" He screeched mid-sentence,  pushing us away. "Why? We're not doing anything~" Jungwon snickered, signalling for the both of you to push him in now. You stepped closer to Sunoo, getting ready to push him in.

  But instead your body collided with the water and a shriek echoed through the rooms. "Jungwon you betrayed me!" You said, trying to catch your breath. You looked at Sunoo and Jungwon's smile as they laughed, clapping their hands.

  "I'll get back at you~" You stuck your tongue out before climbing out, but fortunately you were able to push Jungwon in the pool as you got out. You giggled before running away and changing into swimming clothes.

  You walked into the kitchen, where Jay was. "Jay what're you making?~" You asked, shuffling towards Jay and back-hugging him while he did whatever. "You'll see when it's dinner time." He said, smiling at the screams that were heard from the pool.

  Your head turned at the noise, "What the- what's going on in there?" You let go of Jay and jogged to the pool, only to see Sunoo being shot with a water gun. "Oh.." You said, regretting even coming there once Jungwon spotted you.

  "Stop it!" You screamed as Jungwon shot at you. "It stings!" You covered yourself, trying your best to stop him. But Sunoo had pushed you into the pool and used you as a shield. "Jungwon stop it!" You shrieked again, hearing the chuckles of the devilish boy. 

  Eventually, Jungwon got tired and put the gun down. When Jay came, you were floating in the water with Sunoo and Jungwon. While you 3 were laying peacefully in the pool, Jay had to come and ruin it by jumping in the pool.

  "Kah!-" Sunoo shrieked and began laughing at how your hair looked. "It's going up!" He laughed harder, trying to fix it. You couldn't care less as you put Jungwon in a choke hold. "This is what you get for betray-" You were cut off when Jay grabbed you and began to pull you back against his chest.

  You were gonna attempt to drown Jungwon from earlier but Jay pulled you back fast enough for you to not be able to push Jungwon's head underwater. For some reason, you began to act dead and floated off into the water. "What the- Y/n?" The three boys actually got concerned.

  And it was all a part of your devious plan. Once they let their guard down, you jumped on Jungwon. Putting him in a choke hold again and trying to drown him. After you were done with Jungwon.. let's just say that Jay got his ass DROWNED. Sunoo floated there with the most traumatized expression ever,

"Yeah I think we should just go and eat dinner.."


Shout out to my gf for helping me end this. ✊💋


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