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  You lay on Sunoo's lap, earphones plugged in while you listened to asmr. Personal attention asmr to be exact. Sunoo was confused, wanting to know what you were watching but let you be. It was probably just to fall asleep.

  'These YouTubers give me more attention that my boyfriend..' You pouted, beginning to doze off. Eventually you fell asleep on Sunoo's lap. Earphone still plugged in, video playing, and shivering from how cold it was.

  Sunoo shook you awake, starting to starve from the lack of attention. "What's wrong?" You asked, plucking out your earphones and looking up at him while yawning. "Why won't you talk to me? You straight up just fell asleep. Is something wrong?"

  Now it was Sunoo's turn to pout. It annoyed him, it really did. Why watch those asmrtist when he could be yours. You chuckled at his behavior, "Nothing's wrong, I'm just tired from all the walking on our trip today."

  Sunoo nodded his head, understandable. "Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go back to my asm-" Sunoo yanked your phone out of your hand. "Y/n-ah, focus on me instead please?~ I'm good at asmr.." He whispered the end of his sentence, scratching his nape in the process.

  "Hm, trace my face please~" You gently grabbed Sunoo's hands and put them against the side of your cheek, rubbing against them like a cat yearning for attention. You closed your eyes and sunk deeper into Sunoo's lap.

  He smiled before tracing around your jaw slowly and gently. Whispering adorable compliments, saying he loved you so much and how pretty you are. He kissed your lips before tracing around your lips, taking as long as he could to admire your luscious lips.

  Then, he circled around your eyes, then your nose and then he began to trace your eyebrows. "I can't forget your mole." He poked at the side of your cheek, where a small mole sat. Sunoo was obsessed with that mole. 

  Not like you don't have any other pretty parts of your body, I mean everything about you was pretty to Sunoo. But that mole stood out to him the most, he loved it. Just the way he loved you. After a while of tracing your face, he noticed how you fell asleep. 

  Gently, making sure not to wake you up, he picked you up from the couch and carried you to the bedroom. He lays you down before pulling the blanket over you and tucking you in. Kissing your forehead, he whispered against your ear. 

"Sleep well, lovely."


I'm back and I just KNOW you missed me like..
Hey (with mega rizz) How ya doin..? (leans on barbie car with rizz) 😉

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