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  You sighed, tired of the non-stop beeps when you tried to put in the code to your door. Maybe you shouldn't have drank so much, you had other things to worry about like work and Jake. Wait, where is Jake?

  He hummed softly in his sleep, tossing to the side every once in a while as he laid on the floor when he got back from work. "Jakie~" You waited for an answer as you rang the doorbell repeatedly. 

  Jake's eyes fluttered open to the sudden disturbance. He quickly got up from the floor and stumbled towards the door, opening it to be greeted by you falling in his arms. "Y/n?" He called out in confusion.

  You did your best to stand back up and headed over to the kitchen, turning on the fossett. "Y/n, what are you doing?" Jake asked once he saw you near the sink, ducking your head down. "I'm thirty." You answered while wiping the sides for your mouth.

  "You're thirty?" He repeated, chuckling as he threw you over his shoulder with ease. Your legs rested near his chest as he carried you to your shared room. "Jake I'm gonna throw up.." You groaned, crawling out of the bed which he lay you on.

   Jake panicked and quickly picked you up, running to the bathroom. He put you by the toilet as you started to throw up as soon as he put you down. The poor guy sat beside you, holding you hair back while patting your back.

  After throwing up you seemed to sober up. "Y/n are you okay?" He asked in concern. Both of you guys sat beside each other eating ramen that Jake made. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." You answered in between slurps.

  Jake patted your back gently, relieved you were 'fine'. Before getting up, he pecked your cheek and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower. The lovely Aussie stopped by the cabinet, taking out a packet and sliding it over to you. 

"Take these, your head won't hurt as much."

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