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  I woke up in a hurry, damp with sweat from the horrific dream. I sighed heavily, sitting up and watching as Sunghoon's chest went up and down while he slept lightly. I shook my head, kicking off the blanket and getting up from the bed making sure not to wake Sunghoon.

  I slid into my slippers and tip-toed out of the room and down the hall towards the kitchen. I looked around the dish-washer for a cup, it seemed like all of them had been placed in the cabinet above. 

  Quietly, I climbed the counter and stood up on it. I carefully opened the cabinet and searched for a cup. "Who the fuck put these up here?" I groaned, grabbing a tall glass cup and setting it on the counter below me before closing the cabinet.

  "What are you doing up there?" Sunghoon's deep voice came up from behind me. I flinched at the sudden noise before turning around and looking down at him. "What the- I was getting a cup." I pointed to the cup just a few inches away from my legs.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder, crouching down and sliding off the counter carefully. I retrieved my hand from his shoulder and picked up the glass, strolling over to the fridge and getting some cold water to calm myself.

  "Did something happen?" Sunghoon's voice softened as he got closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I set the cup down, turning around so I could see Sunghoon. "Just a bad dream." I shrugged, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  "Do you wanna go back to bed?" I asked, looking up at Sunghoon now. He shook his head cutely, "I'm not tired anymore." I hummed, letting go of his neck and forcing his arms off of me so I could grab my phone.

  I walked over to the counter where my phone was charging, tapping the screen which revealed a cute picture of Sunghoon leaning his head on a table while he was drunk. "Hoon, it's 4 in the morning. We should go back to bed."

  "But I'm not tired~" He whined, throwing himself over me. "Okay okay, shut up you big baby." I pushed him off of me before grabbing his hand and leading him to the living room, grabbing the remote before sitting down.

  Sunghoon plopped himself next to me, grabbing the remote from my hands and switching the screen to netflix. "Y'know, you should sit on my lap." He smirked at me, placing his hands on my hips and dragging my body on top of his.

  "I- okay?-" Sunghoon's arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me up against his chest. "Anyways, what do you wanna watch?" He asked, looking through the recommended shows and movies. 

  "We have to rewatch the flash." I took the remote from his hand and turned on the flash, scrolling to episode 1. "The flash? But it's boring! I'm gonna fall asleep." Sunghoon whined in my ear as he was leaning his head against my shoulder.

  "Shush!" I put my finger over his lips, quieting him down and watching the series. After watching a season, I noticed how heavy Sunghoon's head had gotten. "Geez, your head is so heavy." I snapped my neck his way and noticed how he slept so peacefully. 

  "And you were the one who wanted to stay up?!" I groaned, 'No way I'm carrying this giant to bed.' I turned around, wrapping my legs around his waist and snuggling into his chest. "Good night.. I guess."


The banner is so breath taking like Sunghoon put that tongue away or I might just-

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