Painting (YorkCal)

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I THINK MY WRITERS BLOCK IS LEAVING I just got artist block again so i'm making this. 
This could be seen as platonic or romantic.

New york's pov:

"Fuck off" I said in the middle of an argument ending it. The meeting was boring. Not because of what gov is talking about, because of  the fact California is nowhere near the meeting, anybody saying any stupid thing doesn't get talked about... in the straightest way possible. I really miss California.

"I actually need someone to go get California or atleast try calling him over here." Gov said looking at some important documents. 

"Cali!" Florida says.

Few seconds later...
a few more seconds...
more seconds.


"He is either seriously hurt or finally is stop being an ass." One of the states say earning a few chuckles. It's not even that funny, everyone justs hates him. Granted I hate him too but at least be creative when ripping on him or just curse him out completely. 

"New York would you mind go getting him, or at least looking for him." Gov says looking at me. Fuck no.

"Fuck no." There is no way I'm getting that fuckass-
"I'll cut off your chores for the rest of this week and next week." Gov says interrupting my thoughts.
"Fine, whatever."

I get up and leave the room. I go to his room, which is very simple to find since the door is decorated with pride flags, blm, and just random stickers (mostly political.) His door is unlocked and he isn't there. WELL FUCK.

Well I guess I could go into the front yard and see if he's there. I can hear a faint sound of California singing to himself in the woods nearby.  When I got closer to the source of it, cal sat there surrounded by the California poppies that seem to grow every time he sat on dirt. He was painting with his laptop neer him, playing a Bob Ross video. Cal was listening to the video with wireless earbuds (raycons, HE HAS RAYCON EARBUDS 😋.) He looked beautiful sitting there but I would have to stop it so I can get away from chores.

"Hey!" I scream getting the golden state to look back.
"Oh hey York." He looks calm and happy. A rare sight.
"Sorry if this ruins your fucking day but GOV needs you in the meeting." 
"Tell him to fuck off I'm painting." Cal says, he doesn't sound mad... he sounds kinda sad.

"Can I paint with you? I don't want go back to the meeting it was really boring." I say groaning. 
"Your lucky I'm in the beginning of this painting. I have some extra paint brushes in my bag." California says this while cleaning off his earbuds and putting them back in their case. Then getting the spare canvas.

lil later 

"How are you so good at painting mine's looks like shit!" I say looking at both of the paints when we finished.
"Your such a baby yours looks good." Cal says lightly elbowing me.
"awww thanks mr. Meany."

I look away but my face is burning up, it's such a childish nickname, but he just says it so cute.

"Holy shit GOV is going to be hella mad at us." Cal added "We skipped a whole ass meeting!"

"We can deal with that later, let's get ice cream and maybe some more canvases." I say grabbing his arm leading him back to where the state house is.

564 words.

idk it seems kinda cringe now but I still like it 

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