*insert clever name* Cali x Florida (x new york maybe)

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Responsible florida hours don't read this bro it fuckin sucks

Florida pov:  

I hear somebody crying, unusual as a meeting hasn't happened and isn't going to happen for a while. I walk to where the crying is coming from and my jaw drops. It's California crying while standing still. I look past them and I see Texas (his current boyfriend) and... somebody I can't see them at this because of how their standing. There are a few other states staring.

"awe babe why are you crying you knew this would happen. Nobody could actually love you. You unloveable selfish bitch." Texas says getting into Cali's face.

After that the loudest slap and the loudest silence happened. Wait no silence isn't loud. the most silent silence...? I don't know. Anyway Texas slaps Cali across the face and pushes them to the ground. I whisper to louisiana and he nods. I take Cali to my room while Loui beats the shit out of Texas. 

California just sat down next to me, cuddle into me, and cried into my shoulder. I didn't know how to comfort him.  "if you want to vent about anything, Texas, shit that happened 5 years ago, anything. I'm right here, get it off your chest."

"I wouldn't be sad, well this sad if..." California pulls out a small box from his pocket.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for thi- look I don't know how to comfort people in general, especially with this. So..." I pull California in a hug and we kinda just lay on the floor cuddling. Neither of us move, neither of us want to move. We are kinda just comfortable like this.


I wake up to somebody opening the door. I'm confused for a bit then I feel movement on top of me, I open my left eye slightly to see Cali there.

"I just wanted to see how you two were doing since you missed fuckin breakfast. Looks like Cal moves on fucking quick." New york says quite annoyed.


"The what is it?" New york says with a smirk realizing he could tease me.

"It's n- I- dif- f-"

I try to get up but then Cali drags me back down. I can feel my face heating up.

"Well we have a meeting in about now o'clock so get your asses off the floor"

We both hear California yawn and get up to only kick me in the stomach.

"HOLY SHIT I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" Cali screams crawling over to me to see if I'm okay.

"I'm alright Cali don't worry-"

"I should have kicked you in the balls instead."

Cali crawls over and cuddles into my arm, and falls asleep again.

"I'll tell GOV you'll be late, I'll carry this one into the meeting room." New york says while picking up Cali bridal style. Cali then cuddle's more into York's shoulder. I don't know what this feeling is but right now I want to kill New york and take his place.

New york then bends down and whispers in my ear. "Jealousy is not a good look on you, your not easy at hiding it either."

Holy shit did he just flirt with me.

513 words.  

The end (might make a part two)

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