(yorkcal) 1k for some stupid pun, and a boyfriend

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OKAY HEAR ME OUT- I have one of these dogs, what do I mean by that? You'll see later. he's cute, but also really stupid but I love him with all my heart so I'm writing a chapter that reminds me of him. Also I can't do accents so sorry bout that.
TW: use of the f slur in a derogatory way
also most of my HCs apply besides CA's fear of blood(and CA is cis).

California's POV:

"wake up"
"Wake up"

I am now awake, I'm at the table. Everyone is staring at me.  "This is the 6th time this meeting 'GoLdEn StAtE' do you really need to be reminded to sleep at night, does little baby need his little nap time?" Texas says laughing as we had an argument before going here. "this whole meeting has been endless bickering for 3 hours. I'm onl-" blood spills out my mouth, as I was biting my gums the whole time he was talking, I need to pay more attention to my teeth as I almost chewed all my gums off, it feels like that anyway. I think the entire table is looking at me, again. I embarrassed myself. I hate everything, no....I just hate myself.


We both go silent then I just start chewing on my lip. It bleeds a lot, but do I care? No, it helps me calm down. I put my head down and fade back into resting. I wake up to screaming. It was York and... other people I can't tell just by their voice. York was defending... me... in something. I put my head up and slightly smile.

"Fucking Fag" The room went silent. I did too until I realise who was talking to me. You see, this is why I hate texas.

"That's not what you said yesterday as you were fucking deepthroating my dick"

"I a child of god would never do such vile behaviors" 
Texas throws some more homophobic insults at me.

"You know, you talk way too much shit for someone in cumshot distance."


Anyway I'm now kicked out of the meeting room. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd probably grounded. Can't wait to get an earful from GOV. I just pick up one of my favorite comdan's books "Egghead" by bo burnham. Which is very unexpected of me to like him, saying all his 'offensive' jokes and shows. But as much as I act like I do, I really don't give two shits about this stuff as long as it's just on stage and is an act I don't care.

I read the book until I see the meeting has ended and I get called into GOV's office. I just take the book with me as I don't have time to put it back on my nice shelf of books, also I don't want questions on why I like bo burnham. I walk into his office, close the door. And sit in front of his desk. 

"Before you say anything Texas was also punished for his out of line behavior"
"Out of line is a understatement"
"anyway, for your punishment you have too.... uh...get somebody a gift that has thought behind it... also infront of a good portion of people."
"is there any other options...?"
"Nope, tell me when you've gotten it"

I leave after he says that. Fuck what am I even going to get, and for who? I just go upstairs and go on instagram. Maybe ideas will shoot me in the brain there.



not that either

wait.... the dog breed Yorkie kinda reminds me of New York. 'kinda' fuck that. Really reminds me of New York. I've had something along the lines of a crush on him for a while. Also he is really under appreciated here, yeah I might meet up with the breeder and get York this dog (little side note while writing this chapter I didn't find out till later I almost wrote dong. idk just thought it was kinda funny) It doesn't matter how much it is, I'll meet up with the breeder late at night so I can bring the dog here without questions. I've taken care of dogs before it shouldn't be too hard, right? Also I know the dog and the breeder, the dog really likes me. even though I've only visited it like 5 times and the dog is only 2 months old.

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