Baseball |Seungmin AU|

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"Be careful out there" I said fixing the Straykids uniform that Seungmin had on.

The uniform was red and black but it had a red and black striped uniform with white buttons. The material used for the shirt was nice and made it easy to take on and off.

"I will don't worry" he smiled and held my hand. "When am I not careful?"

"The time you face-planted on the dirt to catch a ball and almost broke your nose"

"And I caught it" He smiled "Plus when you played softball you scratched yourself every game"

"This isn't about me it's about you" I looked up at him when I finished fixing the uniform. "There you go"

"It's gonna get messed up after the first inning."

"So? You should look nice when you get out on the big screen"

"Seungmin say bye to your girlfriend and let's go you need to warm up. " his teammate said annoyed.

I understand why he was annoyed. It was the championship and they were going against NCT who had multiple good players. Although Straykids didn't have 9 players they recruited their close friend.

"I'm coming I'm coming" He sighed smiling. "Bye love"

"Bye minee you got this" I smiled kissing his cheek. He fixed my baseball hat and walked away with his annoyed teammate who grabbed his hand because he was "too slow".

I went up to get something to eat and drink before the game started. Seungmin felt bad that I wasn't able to watch from the VIP box but I reassured him it was fine. I grabbed popcorn and soda along with Seungmin's favorite candy and walked back to my seat. It was relatively close to perfect seating next to the foul ball section. Of course, I brought a glove to tease Seungmin before an inning started. I smiled and watch Seungmin ran to the pitcher's mound. His grandfather was a pitcher which inspired him to be one. Seungmin had a dark purple glove which was his favorite color. The coach approved of the color which set him into a good mood for days. each teammate had their own color. I watched as Seungmin made his pitching stance. The sweet carefree Seungmin turned into a whole other person.

He glared at player 23 as he hit the ball in the outfield that was easily caught by Jeongin. Jeongin threw the ball to Chan so Seungmin could have it. The game was entertaining, to say the least. Thanks to Minho's reflexes getting outs at first was a piece of cake. Changbin having a stronger body made it easy for them to get on bases and hit the ball further. Han and Minho communicated well so double plays were easy from any direction. Chan can easily get almost every hit to him. Unfortunately, some players could hit and others not so much. The team didn't quite have the same level of hitting as their opponents.

It was the last inning and both teams were tired. NCT was batting first and everyone was on edge. Straykids was up by one hit. All they had to do was make sure they didn't score and they made sure of that. Seungmin had the most pressure. He had to make sure his pitches were on point. His hands were shaky and he zoned out a little. There were two outs and the bases were full. He threw a ball almost hitting the batter. He tapped his foot as caught the ball so he could make the next pitch. He threw yet another ball this time low. He got the ball back and looked up frustrated. He looked over to where I was giving me almost a cry for help literally. I smiled and gave him a heart and blew a kiss.

"LET'S GO NUMBER 8!" I yelled which gave me some questionable stares.

Seungmin smiled a little and focused back to the game. He looked back to the ball and wiped his hand on his pants. He grabbed the ball taking a deep breath and threw the ball right to Changbin who gave him a nod. Changbin caught the ball which was outside.

"Take it easy," Han said from second base trying to comfort his teammate.

"Come on" Seungmin whispered to himself he threw the last pitch.

He pitched the ball which the batter swung at. The ball was hit right to Seungmin managed to catch the ball cushioning it from hitting his stomach preventing him from getting a severe injury. That was the third out which solidified their win. Everyone on his team yelled and hugged Seungmin jumping up and down. He flinched a bit but hugged back anyway.

"That's my pitcher!" Changbin yelled hugging Seungmin again.

"That was getting scary at the end," Seungmin said laughing at his own pain.

"Are you okay?" Chan said concerned. "I saw the ball hit you in the stomach.

"I cushioned it enough to stop it from hitting my stomach hard but I know I have a bad bruise," Seungmin said.

"Be careful". Han said rubbing his hair.

"Stop that" He smiled pushing his hand off his hair.

After their celebration, there was a ceremony dedicated to their team's win. everyone had a medal and Chan held the trophy. I smiled watching Seungmin's bright smile. People took pictures around them and followed the team until they made it to the dugout.

"Great job everyone, I'm proud of you all and I can't wait for next season because I know we can end up back to the championship!" Their coach said as everyone was backing up.

"Let me look at your stomach," the athletic trainer said before Seungmin could leave. "I want to make sure it's not something serious"

"I'm sure I'm fine but safe than sorry." He said as he pulled up the side of his shirt which had a nasty bruise.

"Do you mind if I touch it? It's to make sure there's nothing wrong internally."

Seungmin nodded getting a little nervous. The athletic trainer touched his bruise and he winced.

"Everything feels fine, thankfully it just barely missed critical organs. I suggest you take it easy for a few weeks and if you notice the bruise gets worse or there is no sign of its healing go to the hospital to get it checked out." She said. "Good job today though"

"Thank you" He smiled and walked away. I waited for him at the entrance smiling about his success.

"Seungmin!" I smiled running up to hug him. "You did such a good job!"

"Of course I did," He said wincing about but chuckled at your excitement.

"Your okay right?" I said pulling away. "I'm sorry I forgot"

"It's okay" He smiled. "It's just a bruise nothing more"

"How bad?" I said.

"The bruise is not pretty that's for sure but it's fine" He reassured leaving out what the athletic trainer told him. "I was just told to take it easy"

"I told you not to hurt yourself!" I crossed my arms holding the candy. "No candy for you"

"Wait it's not my fault," He said whining jokingly.

"Alright alright," I said giving him the candy. "Let's go home so you can so you can relax superstar"

"Sounds good" He smiled putting his arm around me.

"I'll even make you favorite" I looked at him. "I'll take care of you don't worry"

"I wouldn't want anyone else to," He said kissing my cheek.

I want to apologize for not posting in a while. This has been in my drafts but a lot of things popped up since I'm graduating high school I needed to focus on picking a college. I also found out about the passing of my favorite teacher recently. I'm still upset about it but I'm doing my best to get it out of my mind. I hope you guys understand. Remember you all are ✨ PERFECT ✨ and ✨ WORTH IT ✨ the way you are. Love you, guys!

Kpop Idols/ KDramas x reader one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang