Flash of Time|Jung Jae Chan|

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A (H/C) girl smiled shopping for new clothes. She grabbed two outfits and started to walk to the cash register. Before she could make it to the register blood seeped through her shirt.

"No!" Hong-Joo yelled sitting up on the bed a tear going down her cheek.

Hong-Joo caught her breath and grabbed her post it writing down what she remembered from her dream. She ran her fingers through her hair as she got out of bed. She placed the sticky note on her window next to the many others.

"I feel like I've seen her before" She mumbled before making her way to the bathroom.
Jae Chan dropped two bags and ran to a (H/C) girl seeing her falling with blood coming out of her stomach. A person turned his head as Jae Chan passed him pushing the man away out of the way. He was crying putting pressure on the wound and yelling for people to call 911.

Woo-tak woke up looking around remembering he was on patrol with his partner.

"Let me drive" Woo-tak demanded as he took off his seat belt his partner looked over confused and pulled over.

"Don't take your seat belt off that quick"

Woo-tak ignored him as he got out of the car and walked to the driver's side. He waited till his partner got out anxiously looking at his watch. He caught a glimpse at the time and date thanks to the wall in the background. He saw what the place looked like which he concluded to be the clothes store in the mall. Once he got in the driver's seat he looked at his watch at 12:07. The clock read 12:29 in his dream and the mall was 15 minutes from where they were. Woo-tak turned the sirens on and sped to the mall.

I smiled laying on my bed texting Jae Chan about what time we would meet at the mall. We both decided after dating for a year and a half to move in together. I was moving into his house which meant I would also be sharing a house with his brother who is not aware of this. That's the point of this shopping trip in a way. I wanted to get him a small present in hopes he'd be fine with me moving in. I got up and got dressed leaving my phone on the bed. I decided on a baby pink shirt with black pants. I brushed my hair and added mascara and lip gloss as I didn't feel like fully doing my face. I grabbed my phone, purse, and keys and walked to the door. I slid my sneakers on and made my way to the bus stop. I went on the bus and I saw Jae Chan looking out the window saving a seat for me. I made my way to him and sat down. He looked over and smiled.

"I'm glad you're finally off work so we can go on a date," I said as he smiled.

"I just finished a big case so they gave me a day off"

"You deserve more than a day with all the work you've been doing recently"

"It just comes with the job" He smiled before holding my hand.

"Well I'll always be by your side even if everyone hates you," I said.

"How can anyone hate this face," He said letting go of my hand and putting his hand on the side of his face.

"You'd be surprised mister," I said hitting the red button indicating to stop the bus. "Come on"

"What's that supposed to mean," He said but I just smiled and walked off the bus.

"Mm, nothing," I said smiling as he grabbed my hand. We walked inside the mall and I saw a clothing store I've been meaning to go to. I decided to wait not wanting to drag Jae Chan into the store wanting to surprise him. We kept walking till he stopped.

"Do you mind if I go to another store real quick?" He asked.

"Sure" I smiled. "I'll go to the clothing store"

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