Sooni Doongie and Dori |Lee Know|

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I knocked on Minho's door holding a bag of cat treats. A few seconds later I heard footsteps coming from inside. The door unlocked showing Minho in sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"What's up?" He asked. "Didn't know you were coming over"

"I didn't either till I went into a pet store and grabbed your children's treats"

"We'll come in it's cold out," He said opening the door more.

When I walked in I saw Soonie looking at me. He meowed softly and walked over to me as Minho took the bag from me. I picked up the orange cat and walked to the living room seeing the other two laying on the couch. Soonie jumped out of my arms and into the floor. I saw a cat toy and sat on the ground.

"So what did you need?" Minho asked looking at me.

"Your cats" I replied starting to play with them.

"As if," He said grabbing a fake mouse and joining in on the fun.

"One of these days when you're on tour I'll sneak in and get them"

"I don't think so" He smiled picking up Dori and kissing the cat on his cheek. "They love me too much"

"Sure" I teased.

"I can kick you out"

"Sorry sorry" I giggled and grabbed the laser pointer. I stood up and pointed it at the couch. All three cats jumped up and tried getting the light. I pointed it at Minho who checked his phone for a second.

"Hey" Minho smiled having all his cats on top of him. He hugged them all as they tried to escape his grasp. He let them go and they went to play on their own.

"They're too cute" I smiled and pet Dori.

"You hungry?" Minho asked standing up and walking to the kitchen. "I have leftovers"

"I wouldn't mind some food"

"Good I need to get rid of it," He said heating up the food. "Thank you for bringing over the treats"

"Anything for my best friend" I smiled.

"You're too kind"

"I meant the cats" I teased making him punch the side of my arm.

"Hey what was that for," I said over dramatically.

"Here's your food," He said placing it on the table.

"Thank you," I said as we both sat down at the table.

"What have you been up to?" He asked.

"Work," I said while eating. "All work"

"Nothing else?" He asked. "I thought you were looking into going back to university?"

"I'm still not sure if I want to" I sighed.

"Why?" He asked.

"Too much work" I whined placing my head on the table.

"I think you should if you want to get the master's degree so you can get a better job"

"I know"

"I can't stand your boss by the way"

"I know you've told me"

"He overworks you I don't like it," He said.

"It's okay Min," I said picking my head back up. "Plus you overwork yourself all the time"

"That's why I don't like it because I know how it feels."

"You really know how to cheer people up"

"Let's go feed them the treats you brought," He said standing up.

I nodded and stood up walking over to the bag and following Minho to the living room. He sat down and patted the spot next to him. You sat next to him opening the treat bag. You laughed seeing Doongie attack Minho for the small treat in his hand. We played with the cats with Minho chatting about his upcoming comeback.

"Do you need a ride back?" Minho asked the moon high in the sky.

"I'll be fine, you need rest for tomorrow so get sleep okay?" I smiled.

"Yeah" He smiled. "By the way, I'm going on your soon, I'll let you take care of my cats instead of my parents"


"They seem to like you more and more every time you stop by"

"We'll I like them more and more too" I smiled. "Bye Min"

"Bye," He said.

I waved goodbye to my best friend starting to walk home as it wasn't too far.

I hope this was what you were hoping for @GOTHSLOT . Let me know if you need me to redo it if you want! Remember you are ✨ PERFECT ✨ and ✨ WORTH IT ✨ the way you are! Love you, guys!

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