Among The Peasants Walks God

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"It's difficult to step on ants without crushing them." - Sōsuke Aizen

It had been early morning when Weiss finally set foot in her dorm room, cold eyes sweeping over her still sleeping teammates. They had stopped on Ruby, her feet taking the few steps necessary to close the distance between them, the immortal heiress looming over the slumbering girl.

Weiss had gently lowered her hand onto Ruby's face, two fingers, finding themselves in the depths of her left eye. It would have been so easy to just pluck it straight from its socket, crushing the silver orb between her fingers. She could have swallowed it whole, forever sealing a piece of her teammate inside of her. She could have sunken her fingers into the still full eye socket, piercing Ruby's brain and killing her instantly.

Instead, she just removed her hand and walked into the bathroom, casting a final burning glance at her crimsonette teammate.

Weiss stared at herself in the mirror, slowly and carefully tracing the scar over her left eye. Her fingertips send tremors throughout her body, small waves of pleasure brought about by the twitches of the Hōgyoku.

The Hōgyoku.

With a genuine smile, Weiss gingerly removed her designer jacket, before taking off her white shirt and almost dropping it to the floor. Her mouth hung lightly open in awe, even if she had seen the cause one thousand times.

"My darling..." She whispered, bringing a ghostly hand up to the Hōgyoku. It sat firmly implanted just beneath her breasts, glowing softly like a non-broken moon. She traced the orb up and down, eliciting a moan from her lips at the sensation. She felt it give off a similar feeling, a resonation between two existences that grew closer to being one with each passing day. She didn't like to keep it hidden from view, concealing her magnum opus behind a veil of lies. It deserved to be free.

The immortal heiress eventually removed the rest of her clothing before stepping into the shower, the scalding water removing the grit and grime of yesterday's activities. The heat was intense, and would have left burn marks against her pale skin if not for her nigh-invincible exterior.

After almost an hour in the white-hot shower, Weiss stepped out to dry herself off. It was with hesitance that she reached into her bag and pulled out a new shirt, giving the Hōgyoku a final feather-light touch before sliding the shirt over head and around her torso. She then pulled her jacket back on and began to do her hair. Her soft hands ran through the white-locks as she planned for the day.

'I will prove to all who oppose me that my title as subordinate matters not. I stand at the stop, no matter what anyone says.'

When Weiss was finally done, she gazed at the door with no visible emotion. The immortal heiress placed a hand upon the doorknob and twisted it, the white door opening with a quiet creak. She stepped out of the bathroom, only to pause at the three sets of eyes that were now staring her way.

Violet which quickly turned bleeding crimson in anger.

Vivid amber which widened in alarm

And shining silver that stared at her in both fear and awe.

The silence that overtook the room was deafening, Weiss standing tall against her three teammates despite being shorter than all of them. The all powerful Hōgyoku inside of her thumped in trepidation, a comforting feeling against her chest.

"When did you get here?" Yang spat, snarling in anger at the ice themed girl. Weiss only rolled her eyes, offering the girl a predatory gaze before responding.

"If your brain was large enough to hold onto information for more than twelve hours, you would know that I said I'd be back by morning." Her words were like daggers that Yang took in stride, standing up with clenched fists before Ruby intervened.

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