Frozen Heart

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"Since the inoculation of this world, neither truth nor lies have existed. Only authoritative reality. Regardless, every being in this world lives misrecognizing only convenient "facts" as truth." - Sōsuke Aizen

As the days past, Weiss began to ignore her team more and more. She had decided that it would be better than even associating herself with them, especially because their engagement was still looming over her. The prospect of spending even a day with these infidels was incredibly frustrating. It was currently Friday, meaning that tomorrow would be the day they went to the...fair.

Ever since Winter had left, Ruby had been looking at her weirdly, watching her for a second longer than normal, fleeting glances from afar. It would have pissed Weiss off if the feeling of overpowering those silver orbs wasn't so intoxicating.

Nothing of note had happened throughout the week though, mainly a few interesting spars here and there. She had been matched up against both Blake and Nora, and had defeated them rather easily. She judged Blake to be the superior combatant of the two, although compared to her, all were naught but specks of dust.

The Hōgyoku hadn't made any major changes to her physical form, only slowly continuing to strengthen her body. It glowed softly from beneath her jacket as she walked through the courtyard, attempting to get her mind off of her troubles.

'This school is quickly becoming a monotonous cycle of boredom. I assumed that as the most praised huntsmen academy in the world, it would at least offer something of use to me. But here I am, still on a completely different level from everyone else. All this place is, is a sanctuary of freedom. Here, I am unchained from Jacques and the rest of Atlas. Although, it's not like they could do much to me anyway, but I'd rather not cause such a fuss by turning the city into a crater.' Weiss mused as she walked along the stone pathway through the courtyard, the moonlight hanging above framing her face in a holy decadence.

She and Winter had still talked every night since her departure, and Weiss had begun to sew the seeds of her machinations inside her sister. She had begun to share hushed whispers of distrust of the world around them, disguised as childish ramblings of a scared and confused girl. Winter held strong for now, but Weiss knew that she would one day be naught but an extension of her will.

The Hōgyoku surged, sending a wave of awareness through her body in the form of an icy jolt. She paused in her steps, body unmoving as she gave a side-eye to the path she had just walked.

"Good evening, Ozpin."

"Good evening, Miss Schnee."

An intense silence followed their greetings, the broken moonlight illuminating the two of them as Weiss turned around to face her headmaster. He stood with an analytical and observant expression, hazel eyes swooping over her from behind his glasses. A cup of coffee was clutched by the handle in his left hand, an occurrence that she was quickly learning was fairly often. His cane was firmly pushed against the ground, further exaggerating their height difference. Weiss' own sapphire orbs were calm as she looked up at him, a cold stare that showed not a hint of ease.

"May I ask why you have approached me?" Weiss questioned, feeling the Hōgyoku lurch with proactive measures from her chest. It was forcing energy through her body, a preemptive defense against any attack the older huntsmen may initiate. Some may call it unnecessary, but the Hōgyoku would do anything to protect its master.


"I merely noticed you walking about past your curfew, and wanted to investigate. I myself was out running an errand." Weiss scoffed at the notion, narrowing her eyes on the man before her.

"Curfew? Such rules and regulations are meant to bring about order and safety, correct? If that is the case, they do not apply to someone of my caliber. There is nothing in this world that could endanger me, and attempting to order me around will not end well for you." Ozpin chuckled at her words, making Weiss become frustrated with the old man. His eyes wrinkled as he laughed, before he took a sip from his mug.

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