The End of The Beginning

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"I envy because of the heart. I glutton because of the heart. I covet because of the heart. I am prideful because of the heart. I sloth because of the heart. I rage because of the heart. Because of the heart... I lust for everything about you." - Ulquiorra Cifer

Everything was in ruin.

Beacon had been almost completely demolished, the ground was cracked, rough, and scarred. The bodies of white fang members, students, and staff littered the battlefield- the unlucky who hadn't managed to evacuate fast enough. Large chunks of metal and circuitry were scattered about the ground, the remains of paladins which had been destroyed in the chaos. Covering the ground was a layer of ash, both from the fires that raged across campus and the hundreds of grimm slain by its defenders.

At its center were a small group of freedom fighters, the last stand against the complete collapse of the strongest beacon of the free world. Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao-Long, and Winter Schnee. But that wasn't all; Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, and Nora Valkyrie had also joined the group, and now they all stood in the center of the carnage, fighting off the hordes of grimm with everything they had.

"How much longer until Ironwood arrives?!" Blake called out through the chaos, her voice reaching the ears of Winter who was leaning against a large stone for cover. She looked down at her scroll for just a moment, her eyes filled with ache and exhaustion as she hoarsely called out.

"Five minutes." The specialist answered, her voice layered with pain and sorrow. Ironwood had notified her that he was on his way to evacuate them. While that was obviously a relief... if meant leaving behind any chance of finding her baby sister. A part of her had wanted to refuse and fight till the bitter end, but she knew that she had responsibilities.

Weiss was likely gone.

"Hear that?! Just keep pushing!" Yang called out next, her words coinciding with a powerful blow to the chest of an Ursa Major, causing the beats torso to cave in as it was knocked away. The others picked up the pace, fighting with renewed vigor and intensity as the cries of the grimm grew louder and louder. Everyone was relieved that the war was almost over.

Everyone except Ruby.

The crimsonette was on her last legs both physically and emotionally, tears threatening to burst from her sparkling silver eyes at any moment. The rising sun behind them and fading night sky framed her soul, an inverse of the dark feeling welling up inside her heart.

'Weiss... please... please... come back- give me a sign- any sign.' The red reaper's mind was shattered as she swung her scythe with monotonous rhythm, her arms like lead and lungs threatening to collapse under the weight of her sadness and sorrow.

But her prayers were answered.

Like the touch of god had graced the heavens, the entire sky suddenly was lit up in a brilliant white- chasing away the darkness and causing the many tremors that shook the world to come to a stop. The destruction and chaos that wrought all of creation finally ceased, and the apocalypse that everyone present had feared would seemingly not come to pass.

The world was saved.

"What in the..." Winter whispered as the skies shone with great luster, the sounds of combat ceasing as even the grimm stilled. It seemed that the healing light had caused all darkness to rescind, even the soulless creatures had halted in their reign of terror. All of the world stared up at the sky in shock as tectonic plates shifted and the planet's core was restabilized.

"Is that... is that the gods?" Ren murmured as the light slowly died down, a sense of peaceful calm washing over the battlefield as everything returned to normal. No one verbally answered the Mistralian boy, but they all had a similar sentiment- that such a blessing was the work of the divine.

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