Best Friends Forever

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"A girl like you should smile more often. Overcast skies blot out the sun, and that always brings people's spirits down. So why not let the sun shine... For just a while longer?" - Sōsuke Aizen

It was early the next morning when Weiss awoke, a quite nostalgic aroma causing her to stir. Her ocean blue eyes were weary as the rapidly opened and shut a few times, fluttering as sleep seeped from her bones and dissolved into the past.

'What is it that I am smelling? It feels so familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it...' Weiss moaned in annoyance as she sat up in her bed. She let her blankets fall off of her as her mind wandered, remembering the events from the night prior.

After resolving her conflict with Blake, she and the other had returned back to the dorms. Things were still tense between her and her faunus teammate, but killing those four White Fang grunts had worked off a lot of stress and pent up frustration, allowing her to manage living with one of those animals for now.

Yang on the other hand had still been very weary of the ice themed girl, which Weiss didn't mind one bit. Constantly snarking off against the blonde brute had begun to become a monotonous bore, and she would much rather simply coexist with her in least, until she left this place.

She'd leave them screaming.

Bur Ruby...Ruby had been acting odd. She had been more clingy than usual, having practically hung onto Weiss' arm the entire ride back to Beacon. She had been so cheery despite the intense atmosphere, her silver eyes and blinding smile never loosing their light.

Not yet, anyway.

She finally came back to reality when the Hōgyoku jolted her awake, a flow of divine energy rapidly opening up her still foggy senses. Her eyes immediately drifted to the kitchen of their dorm, where Ruby was pulling something out of the oven. She became dully aware that this must have bee the source of the aroma she had smelled, but she still couldn't quite place it as she spoke up.

"Ruby, what are you doing?" Her voice cut through the room like a white-hot knife, making Ruby yelp in surprise and the oven tray she had been holding almost fall from her grasp. She stumbled around the kitchen for a moment, before finally finding her balance and placing the tray down on the counter, obscuring it from Weiss' view.

"Weiss! You're awake!" Ruby squealed as she suddenly bolted towards her partner, leaping into her bed to tackled her in a hug. Weiss shrieked in surprised as she felt a pair of warm arms wrap around her, hugging her tightly as she Ruby's face became inches from her own.

"Of course I'm awake, you dunce! Now get off of me!" She growled as she roughly shoved Ruby from her bed and to the ground, making the girl yelp as she fell to the floor. Weiss rolled her eyes as she got up from her bed, tossing her blankets on top of Ruby as she walked over to inspect whatever Ruby had made.

"Weisssss! It's dark under here!"

"That's the point."

"But I'm scared of the dark!"

"You are?"


"That's even better."

The immortal heiress ignored her partner's grumbling please as she approached the counter, laying her eyes on Ruby's creation. Her eyes widened ever so slightly at what lay before her, a tray of freshly baked cookies. But not just any cookies, no. There were three different types of chocolate chip cookies, and her enhanced senses told her exactly what each one was. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate. Their sweet and chocolatey scent assaulted her senses, making her think back on memories of her mother and grandfather.

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