Black and Blacker

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"You are fighting out of obligation, not out of hatred. You will never reach me like that. Battle without hatred is like a bird without wings. You'll never defeat anyone like that. Your powerless friends are just weights that will break you legs." - Sōsuke Aizen

A few nights had passed since their day at the fair, and Weiss' plan had been working flawlessly. She kept up her arrogant and standoffish mask, but had begun to let small glimmers of kindness through. A compliment here, a praise there...all began to further her and Ruby's friendship.

The Hōgyoku had been strangely active these last few days, sending pules of emotion through her body whenever she was in the company of the silver eyed girl. However, these signals were conflicting. Sometimes, they would feel bubbly and calm, and other times, wrathful and hate filled. The immortal still didn't know quite what that meant, but as long as she continued to evolve, she supposed that it didn't really matter.

"Weiss! Isn't this gonna be great?!"

The heiress was brought from her thoughts and back into reality by Ruby, who had grabbed her arm and was shaking her rapidly. The ivory haired girl cringed, lightly shoving her away with a scowl.

"What are you on about, you dolt?" Weiss' anger was ignored by the crimson haired girl, a cheery smile on her face as she gestured to the city around them.

"The Vytal Festival! There are gonna be other students, weapons, semblances...and weapons." Weiss rolled her eyes at her partner's antics, launching a look towards Yang and Blake. The former looked away while the latter shrugged, making the immortal sigh.

Ruby had wanted to go out to Vale today to see the preparations for the Vytal Festival, a tournament style event where students from all four huntsmen academies would do battle in honor of the end of the Great War so many years ago. Weiss let a smirk come onto her face, the Hōgyoku burning with desire from within her chest.

"This indeed will be great. I will finally get to show the world just how above everyone I am. I will completely dominate any and all competition." In truth, Weiss really was excited. The girl loved proving her superiority to others, and to get to do that in front of so many people?

She couldn't wait.

She could see Yang roll her eyes at her answer, and Blake snort in amusement. Weiss only sent them both a cocky gaze in response. She was done humoring their attempts at insinuating that she wasn't above them, and had decided that she would just show them instead.

"Yeah, and you'll have your super awesome partner there with you!" Ruby added as she flashed Weiss another beaming smile. The soon to be transcendent being snorted, before allowing a small yet fake smile to crawl up her own lips.

"Yes, I suppose you will be."

The group of four kept walking, with the immortal quickly losing herself in her own thoughts again. Her mind wandered to her future plans, causing a dar smirk to creep up her face. Most would assume that at least someone would call her out on this, but if you'd ask most of her peers, this was just Weiss' natural facial expression.

'These complete and utter sheep, thinking that they are comparable to me. It will be fun crushing them into nothing, both during this festival and my eventual betrayal. I am unsure of when that time may come, it all depends on the Hōgyoku and its rate of evolving me. As soon as I both reach a satisfactory state, and an opportunity arrises...I will leave Beacon covered blood.' Weiss knew that this first step into godhood would likely only be possible if she met a being powerful enough to actually challenge her, but when you were as strong and skilled as her, those were hard to come by.

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