Dead Apple I

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A young man with black hair was walking around the night in Yokohama city. But he felt something from the alleyway. He walked towards the alleyway and saw five men on the ground, one big guy was held by the collar of a young man.

The man wore a long cape with fur that hid his neck. And had some kind of immigrant hat. And that young man felt someone looking at him.

"Am I some kind in trouble?" The man said as he let go of the big guy. "Question about what happened." The black-haired man said.

The young man with the cape son turned around to reveal Atsushi. "Are you?" Atsushi walked close to the black-haired man.

The man felt tense with a strange feeling. "Akutagawa Ryunosuke, the silent mad dog? From Armed Detective Agency?" Atsushi said. Akutagawa was shocked.

"How do you....?" Akutagawa said. "Oh, I just remembered I saw your info when I came here while searching after someone," Atsushi said.

Akutagawa was feeling uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, here." Atsushi returned. Akutagawa was surprised that a stranger gave back. "Do you need something more?" Akutagawa asks. Atsushi only smiled.

"I can tell you everything in the morning," Atsushi said as he began to walk away. Akutagawa only stared at the strange man.


Armed Detective Agency

Everyone from the office only looked at the man with a strange hat and cape. "And you?" Kunikida said.

"Atsushi Fedorovich Nakajima. Nice to meet you." Atsushi said as he bowed respectfully. "And why an immigrant like you need from us?" Kunikida asks.

Atsushi stared at the blonde for 'immigrant' treatment.

"You are searching for someone, and you need our help," Ranpo said as he was eating his sweets.

Atsushi smiled. "That's right. I'm so glad that the Greatest Detective in the World knows what my problem is." Atsushi said. "Oh my, so you know me?" Ranpo said as he sat up.

"That's right," Atsushi said.

'They are getting along too fast...' Everyone thought.

"But, you are in the same situation as me," Atsushi said.

That made Ranpo confused. And that caught everyone in shock. Then Atsushi showed a paper.

"One of your workers isn't here," Atsushi said as he showed the paper of Dazai's information. "How?!" Kunikida stood up.

"Easy, my father knows him, and I know him," Atsushi said as he laid the paper. "If two of them are missing, then it's a trouble for you and me." He said.

"How do you know Dazai? And who is your father?" Yosano asks. Atsushi only smiled. "I'm sorry, but this information I cannot tell you that. But about my father, he is Fyodor Dostoevsky." As Atsushi said his father's name, Armed Detective Agency was shocked to hear the name.

"You..." Akutagawa turned to look at Atsushi. Atsushi was only smiling. "You son of a terrorist!" Akutagawa said and used his ability.

"Akutagawa!" Everyone called. But Rashomon squeezed Atsushi. As Akutagawa lifted his ability, there was no blood nor Atsushi's body. Everyone was confused.

Soon Atsushi hooped from the ceiling. "Not very nice towards the guest needless to say," Atsushi said as he was on the ground.

Akutagawa was angry, that he was about to do it once again,

"Enough!" The president's voice appeared. Everyone looked up and saw Fukuzawa.

"There was a lot of noises that I couldn't work," Fukuzawa said.

Akutagawa deactivated his ability and bowed. "I'm so sorry boss..." Akutagawa said. "It's fine, as long as you don't repeat," Fukuzawa said. Akutagwaw slowly stood up.

Then the president of the Armed Detective Agency looked at the guest. Atsushi only smiled, but Fukuzawa was shocked.

"You...!" He said. "Huh? What?" Atsushi was confused. "No, it's nothing. Who are you anyway?" Fukuzawa said.

"Atsushi Fedorovich Nakajima. Nice to meet you." Atsushi yet again bowed. Soon he looked up, but Fukuzawa showed his hand. "Yukichi Fukuzawa," Fukuzawa said. Atsushi was for a moment in silence. But decided to hold into the man's hand and they shook their hands.

"Now, you are Fyodor's child. Am I correct?" Fukuzawa asks as he let go of Atsushi's hand. "That is right," Atsushi said. "But I'm surprised you have two different last names." Fukuzawa walked away.

Atsushi was silent.

"I thought I came here so that you will help me," Atsushi said. Fukuawa turned around and looked at Atsushi's back.

There he goes flashback of his teacher. 'They are strangely alike...' Fukuzawa thought. "If I will not know who is Fyodor for you, then don't wait for help from us," Fukuzawa said.

"Who father is to me?" Atsushi said as he held his hand on his scar. Akutagawa noticed how Atsushi holds his face.

"Savior. That's who he is." Atsushi said. "Savior?" Fukuzawa said.

"I was in the orphanage for as long as I could remember. And was treated very badly comparing other kids. And one time," Atsushi said. Then he turned around. "I was electrocuted." Everyone was shocked.

"And, at that age when I electrocuted, Fyodor came and took me away from that nightmare of the orphanage. He took away from where I maybe could have died." Atsushi said.

"And the reason our two last names are different is it because is for our safety and to keep something from my culture," Atsushi said.

Fukuzawa looked at Atsushi.

"Good explaining. Fine, we will help you." Fukuzawa said.

Everyone looked shocked at him, and Atsushi smiled.

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