First day in Russia and Russian Language class

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Atsushi was sleeping peacefully in bed. But he suddenly woke up as the door opened. He quickly sat and looked up to see Lev.

"Ah, Lev-san...." Atsushi said. "Sorry if I scared you. But you need to wake up. Here, for the time being, wear this." Lev said as he showed the clothes.

Atsushi took them, and it was a dark blue sweater with black shorts.

"Sorry. That is something from the Soviet Union." Lev said. "It's fine. I wore something similar..." Atsushi said. Lev only smiled.


As Lev and Atsushi came deep into the library, they came to a big table full of sweets.

"Will it be a lesson of language?" Atsushi asks. "Well, today is the first day. So we mostly talk about the culture and basics stuff here in Russia." Lev said as he sat on the chair.

"Want tea?" Lev asks. Atsushi walked close and sat down on the chair.

"Why did Fyodor call you a second name after your first name," Atsushi asks. "Ah, that is my middle name. It's basic for a lot of Russians to have the middle name of their father's name." Lev said.

"Father's name?" Atsushi said. Lev gave him a bun. And Atsushi accepted it.

"That's right. And we all have our father's name as the middle name. And it doesn't matter if your father is biological or adopted, or even your stepfather. As long as you have the middle name of your father." Lev said.

"I see...." Atsushi said.

"Then, what is the full name of Fyodor?" Atsushi asks. "Hm, I don't quite remember. It's been a long time since I looked into his document." Lev said.

"I see..." Atsushi said as he was ripping the bun. "But what about I tell you the members of Rats in the House of the Dead?" Lev asks.

"Rats in the House of the Dead?" Atsushi said. "Yes, this is an organization that your father made. Of course, it is a criminal organization, but, we most of the time don't kill anyone." Lev said as he held a cup of tea.

"I see..." Atsushi said.

"Well, the first one you met, is Nikolai Gogol. He is what we call, a clown. He acts one." Lev said.

"Who was that chubby man?" Atsushi asks. "Ah, that is Alexander. Alexander Pushkin. And that man with bandages on his head, that is Ivan Goncharov. He is a butler. We don't treat him one, but he just acts one." Lev said.

"I see..." Atsushi said as he ate the mall piece of the bun he ripped. "Well, all of us are ability users," Lev said. "Huh? ability users?" Atsushi said.

"Yea, it is like a superpower that is most known from Super Hero comics," Lev said.

"But, how does your ability work?" Atsushi asks. "Hm, it works differently from what ability is. Mine is making pain on humans body like the injuries are from the war." Lev said.

"Injuries from the war?" Atsushi said. "Name of my ability is War and Peace. Mostly, I make the human body feel Russian cold than physically painful." Lev said.

"Oh." The only thing Atsushi said.

"I don't know what is mine..." Atsushi said. "It's not very much of a surprise. It isn't a lot of people who have the ability. Most of them are just ordinary people, while others have the ability." Lev said as he drank his tea.

Atsushi was silent.

"Is there any ability that can heal?" Atsushi asks. "Well, there is. But I've never met them." Lev said. Soon Atsushi took off the bandage from his face and showed his scar.

As soon as Lev saw the scar, he lost the cup of tea, and the cup broke.

"H-how, how did you....?" Lev said. "The, orphanage...." Atsushi said. Soon Lev stood up and walked towards him.

Atsushi shivered as Lev walked towards him.

But Lev just hugged Atsushi tightly. Atsushi was in shock, that he hugged his teacher and cried, hard.

Fyodor's office

Fyodor was reading documents about special and rare abilities. Then Ivan came inside.

"What are you searching for?" He asks as he placed an empty cup of tea. "Finding information about how the abilities work. The rarest and special ones." Fyodor said.

"Well, the rarest I know and heard in the organization you took me away, was the only ability to shapeshift. But I don't remember well. Since, you know." Ivan said as he poured hot tea.

Soon Fyodor placed other papers away and focused on one.

"Beast Beneath the Moonlight?" Fyodor asks. "Yea, that's one," Ivan said.

"Hm, can transform into a tiger right under the moon? Interesting." Fyodor said.

"Well, it isn't easy to control it either," Ivan said. "Hm, if we will hide the moon, will Atsushi get his form back?" Fyodor asks.


Training ground

"Remind me, why are we doing this again?" Pushkin asks. "To check the boys' ability. As if he has one!" Nikolai said as he used his ability.

Soon Lev came inside with Atsushi in his arms. "Is everything alright with him?" Ivan asks. "He, he is just tired. Emotionally." Lev said.

Soon he looked up to the covered window.

"Do you think it's a good idea?" Lev asks.

"That is Fyodor idea. And you have my ability." Nikolai said. Lev sat down and shook Atsushi slightly. The boy woke up.

"Where are we?" Atsushi asks. The members saw the scar, but Lev gave them a signal to not mention his scar.

"We just need to check your ability, that's all," Lev said as he let go of Atsushi, who was standing by himself.

"Sorry for not asking for permission. But need to-" "It's ok." Atsushi said.

Lev only looked at Atsushi and saw a 12-year-old boy with dark hair with tired eyes.

"Alright. As you say." Lev said as he stood up and walked away.

Then Ivan with Alexander and Nikolai walked to Lev. And Nikolai let his hands go off the curtains that fell and he swung his cape to see his clothes.

Atsushi's eyes began to shine and he was shivering a lot.

Then he transformed into a big white tiger.

Others were shocked.

"Atsushi...." Lev said.

"Nikolai, take back the curtains now!" Lev said. "Hm? Ok. Hold on." Nikolai said. But as he wanted to use his ability, the white tiger ran up to him, and that made him stop to use his ability.

"Um, guys, here is a problem now...." Nikolai was stepping backward.

Now everyone was afraid.

Soon Pushkin run to the right side, and the tiger followed after him.

"Alexander! You are not going to make it!" Ivan called. Nikolai soon came to the senses now, he used his ability. Two portals appeared, and Nikolai's gloved hands appeared and took the curtains.

Then he dragged up and closed the big window.

As soon as the window was closed by the curtains, the white tiger transformed back into Atsushi.

As he was laying on the ground, tiredly.

"Atushi!" Lev ran towards the child. Pushkin only looked at the child as Lev was close. Then Lev sighed in relief as Atushi opened his eyes, but soon closed them again.

"Is he-" "He is alive, but he is tired. Physically." Lev said as he picked Atsushi up.

"I'll go. Tell this to Fyodor." Lev said as he walked away with Atsushi.

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