Chapter 16 - Evan

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Hours of exploring each other's bodies later, I rolled to face her, a grin splitting my face at her sex mussed hair and giddy expression.

"I don't think I've ever met anyone like you." She whispered.

I gave a loud, fake moan. "Oh yes, baby, keep talking dirty to me like that."

She laughed, pushing my shoulder. "You know what I mean. I've always gone for a serious 'perfect man', or the man I thought I was supposed to choose. You're the opposite of everything I thought I wanted, and yet, in less than twenty-four hours, you've treated me better than any guy I've ever been with."

The sincerity in her voice almost broke my heart. "I hate to break it to you, baby, but I'm nothing special. I think you've probably just been picking the wrong kind of guys."

Her expression shuttered. "My friend once said I must be blind to red flags or attracted to them."

Wanting to bring back that smile, I winked. "Well darling, it's lucky I'm a walking green flag. In my business, a red card means you've gone too far and you're getting kicked off. If I ever treat you badly, you're free to red card me and kick my arse."

There was that uncertain look on her face again. "You're talking like we are going to see each other again?"

"I thought I made myself clear? I like you. Even more now, I've got to know you. You're not getting rid of me that easily!" I promised, dipping forward to kiss her again.

I'd never get tired of kissing her. Not when she looked like that every time we broke apart.

"So this is a something?" She asked.

How could I make her see how crazy I was about her already? She was full of doubt and fear, and I wanted nothing more than to give her the reassurance she craved.

Cupping her face in my hand, I brushed my thumb across her lips. "More than a something, you're fast becoming everything. If you took a peek inside my mind, you'd see you everywhere."

"I bet you sweet talk all the girls like this." she joked, eyes fixed on mine.

"I don't, Nikki, I'm deadly serious. I've never felt like this about anyone before. So I'm asking, no begging you, take a chance on me and you won't regret it."

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