Chapter 8 - Evan

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"With the local headlines causing a stir, we have been asked to work on the team image." Jarred explained sternly as he looked carefully around the room at us all.

I winced. Not only was he in charge of my PR, but he also supported the club marketing team, meaning my trouble was everyone's trouble. Hitting the headlines hadn't seemed like a big issue until Jarred reminded me that this was my last season, and asked if I really want to go out of the sport on the same playboy note I came in.

He had a point, as much as I didn't want to admit it. I had promised him to keep my image squeaky clean for the rest of the season, and it was one I planned to keep.

"As part of this work, I've spoken with the management and we think a topless calendar for charity is the best way to go about doing this."

"Yo, Jarred, you objectifying me?" I joked, lifting my shirt and gesturing a hand towards my washboard abs.

"You objectify yourself, man whore." Lewis laughed. "Not all of us share everything with the world, and I personally think they've been missing out on all this."

The team cracked up around us as he gave a few dramatic muscle man poses. Shortest man on the team, he more than made up for it with personality and despite his teasing, I laughed along with them.

"Settle down. So I've got a photographer lined up. She's here today to meet you all and get a feel for how we are going to style the shoot. As it's going to be for a local animal shelter, you will be posing with animals." I opened my mouth to fire off a response, but Jarred held up a hand to stop me. "Yes, Evan, we all know you're great with pussy."

The guffaws of laughter had me giving a fake offended look before turning back towards my locker to retrieve my bag.

"I want you all on your very best behaviour." He said firmly, and I heard the door creak open as I dumped my shoes into the bag and began pulling on my nikes. "This is Veronica Valentine, our photographer."

There was a chorus of hellos, followed by Jai nudging me. "You are going to lose your shit when you see who they've hired for this." He whispered as he stared towards the door.

Turning to see what had him so transfixed, felt a lot like the world was moving in slow motion. My eyes slid over Jarred's smug expression before landing on her.

The girl the newspapers hadn't managed to find, even as she consumed my thoughts. But how was she here? Why was she here?

"I prefer to go by Nikki. Nice to meet you all." She said with a quick, friendly smile, fingers playing with camera hanging around her neck.

My mouth opened, but nothing came out as Jarred began to lead her round the room and introduced her to the team. How was she here? Looking that good in fitted black trousers that clung to her ass and hips like they were made for her. The shirt she wore was loose, but showed hints of the incredible body I knew was underneath. I wasn't sure how she made office wear sexy, but I was practically drooling.

"Down boy." Jai whispered, laughter in his voice.

I shook my head and cleared my throat. They were almost level with me now.

"Hi." she said softly, offering me her hand to shake.

"Hi." I parroted back, unable to formulate a more compelling response as I took her hand in mine.

When I didn't immediately release it, she gave a small giggle and pulled it free. "You might not remember me, but I wanted to thank you for being so nice to me at the game last weekend." She offered shyly.

Might not remember her? How could I forget her and those eyes, those lips, that body? I hadn't exactly known it when I first ran across the pitch to get to her, but she was pure goddess and sex appeal, wrapped up in a quietly unassuming package.

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