Chapter 11 - Nikki

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This was a terrible idea.

I groaned as I examined my reflection. "I look like a turkey wrapped in tinfoil."

"A sexy turkey though, check out that cleavage girl!" Claire's voice laughed from the phone perched on my dresser.

I shot her a deadpan look and she let out the most witchy sounding cackle of laughter I had ever heard from her.

"Not helping. I should cancel. This was an awful idea. I've not even been single a week and I'm going on dates. Who the hell do I think I am?" I said, slumping down on the edge of the bed.

"No." Claire said firmly, "You stop this 'putting yourself down' crap or I'll have to come over there and make you. Show me what other options you like."

Reluctantly, I trudged to the wardrobe and dutifully fished out two other top options. "I'm definitely wearing my black jeans and little heels. Just need a nice top or something to go with it." I explained, holding them up.

Claire's face on the tiny screen was fuzzy from the bad connection, but I watched her carefully examine the two.

"The green satin one. Looks almost like lingerie. Evan will love it." She teased.

I bit my lip. "Does it? I probably shouldn't wear it on a first date. Don't want him to think I'm trying too hard or something."

Now that she mentioned it, the thin straps and lace edged v-neck were a little racier than I normally went for. I couldn't remember buying this top, but I was pretty certain I had never worn it.

"Wear the damn top, Nik. Don't try me on this." Claire insisted.

I poked my tongue out at her before shimmying out of the tight silver wrap top. The green one slipped easily over my head and I smoothed it down before tucking it into the jeans.

"Like this?" I asked Claire, giving her a little twirl.

She let out a wolf whistle. "Absolute perfection! That colour really makes your eyes pop. I am a bloody genius and you're welcome."

"Are you sure it's not too much?" I asked, examining my reflection from all angles.

My hands ran over my wide hips and down the curve of my belly. For years, I had lacked the confidence to love this body, too ashamed of the way it didn't fit the beauty standard to appreciate what it did for me. Now, after empowering women of all sizes in my photography, I was far more comfortable with my midsize shape. Most of the time, at least.

"There's no such thing as too much on a first date. Actually, scratch that, there definitely is. But you are just the right amount of too much. If it's too much for him, show him the door and tell him to find less because my bestie is fucking hot!" Claire finished with a whoop.

A male voice in the distance had Claire turning her head to listen. "Yeah. Exactly that babe. Did you hear that?" She directed the last bit and me and I shook my head as I fastened a delicate gold necklace.

"Rory just said that any man who asks you to tone yourself down isn't the man for you, anyway." She repeated, and Rory appeared at the corner of the screen with a grin.

"You look great Nik." He offered. "I feel like a proud dad."

He mimed wiping a tear as Claire did the same. "Our little girl is growing up." She sniffed.

I laughed out loud. "Thanks guys. I don't know why I'm freaking out so much. It's just a dinner date as friends."

They exchanged a look before Claire shot me a doubtful raised brow. "I think you know as well as I do. It's a little more than that. Look, you just relax and have fun. But remember, before anything gets serious, let me meet him. I need to make sure you're not colour blind to those flags again."

I opened my mouth to protest, when the doorbell rang and a little squeak of fear escaped me.

"Ok, deep breath Nik. You're going to be fine!" Claire reassured. "Remember, bag, phone, keys and then go get him tiger!"

With a hurried thank you and goodbye, I ended the call and rushed down the stairs.

Through the stained glass window panel next to the door, I could make out a male outline. He was really here.

I wasn't sure why I had been so afraid of him cancelling or not turning up. He had never given me any impression he was that kind of guy.

Sucking in a deep steadying breath, I checked my makeup one last time in the hall mirror and opened the door.

His back was to me as he paced the porch and I smiled at the sign he was nervous to. At the sound of my clearing my throat, he span and caught sight of me.

The light blue shirt he was wearing was tight across his shoulders and in his hands he held a huge bunch of beautiful yellow roses. "My eyes are up here." He teased, and I giggled as I raised my gaze to meet his.

The hunger in his eyes momentarily stunned me. He looked like he would devour me, and damn if I didn't think I quite liked the idea of that, too.

Trying to keep some semblance of calm, I nodded my head to the flowers. "You're really going all out with this?"

I couldn't remember the last time a guy had bought me flowers. In fact, the last time I had any I was pretty sure the last time anyone gave me some, they were 'get well soon' flowers from Claire after I had my appendix out.

"They're just flowers." He grinned, "Yellow roses are supposed to mean friendship. I googled it. So please accept these friend flowers before our not-date."

I laughed, "Well, thank you. Give me a second to pop them in some water and then I'll grab my bag and we can go."

Our fingers brushed as I took the flowers from him, and I refused to meet his eye. This was going to be an interesting evening, to say the least.

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