Chapter Nine.

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Sam's POV


So me and Kian left TacoBell early and headed to his house cause we decided to make a new video on our channel,

On the car ride home i got a text from an unknown number, but i texted it anyway.

Unknown : Heyyy

Me: Uhm, Hi?

Unknown: What's wrong Sammie?

Me :  Nothing, I'm just bored.

Unknown : Me to. 

Me : I hate to be rude but. Who the fuck is this?

Unknown : It's Hannah, and why would you delete my number?

Me : You deleted me from your life, What's the point of fucking keeping it.

Hannah : Well it  would be nice if you kept it so i could talk to you.

Me : I don't care. Just stop talking to me.

Hannah :  k whatever bye.

Why did she keep my Number? Whatever. We made it to Kian's just after and we made our way to his room so we could start filming,

"Hey i'm Kian"

"And i'm Sam Pottorff"

"Okay so Today me and Sam are going to be doing a music video."

"It's a song called Trouble by NeverShoutNever"

" We hope you enjoy!"

Me and Kian did about fourty run throughs of the song, I could sing it by heart now, if i could sing, The lyrics ran through my head constantly 

~"I'm in trouble i'm an attic i'm addicted to this girl, She's got my heart tied in a knot and my stomach in a wurl."~ 

"Sammie, dude are you staying here or what? It's already midnight and i need to know."  Kian tried to shake me out of my trance.

"Huh, What? Oh. sure Kian i'll stay here." I barley even got the words out of my mouth. As Kian walked out of the room my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone.

"Hey Man! It's Connor! What's up?"

"Not very much, just filmed a video with Kian, You?"

"Not much, Hanging out with everyone else, to bad you guys left, we had a lot of fun."

"Oh well, Maybe next time. Well i gotta go man, I'm soo tired." I finally said.

"Okay. Want me and The guys to pick you guys up tomorrow? The girls want some bonding time."

"Yeah sounds good, Peace."

"Sleep Well!" Connor said ad i hung up the phone.

"KIAN!!!!" I screamed down the stairs.

"WHAT SAM!!" He yelled back.


"THE GIRLS ARE GOING TO BE THERE?!?!" He sounded almost sad,

"NOPE!" I yelled back, got no reply. I walked down the stairs to a hunched over Kian sitting on the floor.

"Uhm, Kian? What's wrong?" I sat down next to him,

"I hate being alone. No one loves me." My best friend cried to me.

" Kian, You are very loved by people. Look at our fan base. They love you. Look at your family. They love you too. And even look at me and the boys, We love you Kian. Don't let one girl ruin everything for you. You were happy before her you can be happy now." I brought him into a hug and let him cry.


~Next Morning.~

I awoke on the floor infront of Kian's couch. I guess i never made it to the bed last night, Whatever. i looked over at Kian and saw his face was still covered in Tears... Poor guy.

"Kian wake up. The guys will be here any minute.." i said pushing his sholders.

"Okay! Okay.. I'm awake. Whoa, You dragged me all the way down stairs?!"

"No! We fell asleep down here stupid."

"Oh, fine then. I'm gonna go get ready."

"Same here."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~-fifteen minutes later-~~~~~~~~

So me and Kian got into the van with the rest of O2L.

Connor was driving and in shot gun was Ricky,

Behind them was Jc and Ricardo

and in the back fast asleep was Trevor.

We all decided to go to the mall and just hang out for the day.

"Hey Sam, What's good these days?" Ricky asked as we walked through the food court.

"Not very much, Had to comfort Kian last night, He's a wreck." Ever since Ricky got Hannah to cheat on Kian i haven't been so close with him.

"Look i'm sorry for what i did, But i've wanted Hannah for a long time and i couldn't wait any longer. I can tell she misses Kian though, by the way she stares at him i know she misses him.

Wait. Hannah misses him. YES! Maybe i can try and get them back together, well i could try at least. I hate seeing Kian this way. He deserves to be happy for all the things he does.


Okay, Well here was your chapter. Hannah was pushing me to put it up. Here you go. 

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