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Chapter 14

"...Little thing was alone ... easy to kidnap ... Regret what they..."

A familiar voice whispered in her ear as she slowly started to wake up. Her vision was so blurry, she almost thought she had gone blind. She looked up and gasped as she recognized the dark-blue hair of Penny.

"Well well well. If it isn't the li-"

"Mk, I will stop you right there. First of all, how in the crystals are you still alive?!" Sinox barked, blood trickling from her head. Penny just scoffed and put a katana to her throat. "I'm the one asking questions here..." She snarled.

"It's hard to resist, I'm really sorry, but I've been tied here for what? Hours? And you haven't even confirmed what exactly I am!" Sinox retorted. Penny glanced at her and said, "well, what are you?" Sinox instantly smiled. "I'm a virgo!" She laughed.

Penny just stared at Sinox as she laughed hysterically. "You really are insane...nevermind that." Penny sighed, pulling out a syringe filled with a purplish-black substance. She glanced back at Sinox, whose tail was fluffed up. "Just kill me, you goo-brain...I know you want to." She hissed.

"Meh...I don't plan on doing that. Instead, how about a little...test?"

"A test?"

"Indeed.." Penny smiled as she stabbed the syringe into Sinox's neck. Sinox let out a sharp cry of pain before growling, "WHAT DID...you.." She grew drowsy as her vision went blurry.

Penny stared as Sinox's bright sky-blue eyes changed to a dark purple. She went stiff as she let out a growl. "Oh my god, it worked!" Penny cheered as Sinox just sat there. Penny shook her head and slowly walked toward Sinox. She cut the ropes loose as she jumped back

Sinox's eyes were dark-purple, with tiny specks of sky-blue. Penny just stared and took a few notes. She flipped her hair back as Sinox slowly stood up. "Hm...odd." Penny sighed as she waved her hand across Sinox's face.

Sinox made no sign of movement before flexing her claws and said, "Hello, Master Penny. What may I do for you?" Penny just stared and replied, "...Find Kai. And bring him back to me." Sinox nodded, grabbed a nearby katana, and opened a door. She stopped and glanced back at Penny, almost as if she was waiting for Penny to follow her.

Penny flinched before grabbing a rifle and following as Sinox walked out of the room with a flick of her tail.

October 19, 2125. 11:36pm

Kai was panicking as Audrey and Asher just watched. "Kai-"

"Where is she?!"

"Kai, listen..."

"Mary, where the fuck is she?!"

Mary went silent before saying, "I don't know..." Kai looked up and just sat down. "This is the second time she's gone missing...who-" He went silent as realization struck him like a bullet. "Penny...OH SHIT- Noooo no no no no no!" Kai yelped, jumping up. "Kai-" "Fucking Penny! That bitch kidnapped her! For the second time!" "How-" "Who else would know about Sinox but Penny?!"

Everything went silent. "Kai, for all we know, she's already dead. Penny, I mean." Asher added. Kai just looked back at Asher. "Asher has a point. Plus, she's been through a lot. If there's one thing she can escape, it's Penny." Mary observed.

Sinox sliced at the tree limbs without a problem, looking back at Penny every once in a while. Penny happily skipped alongside her, smiling psychotically. "We're close." Sinox sighed, her grip on the katana tightening. Her dark-purple eyes flashed a sky-blue as she let out a growl.

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