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Chapter 4

Stars. Stars floated around in her mind like snowflakes in the darkness. It was calm for a moment before water splashed across Sinox's face. She gasped and spat water out of her mouth as she slowly woke up.

"Finally!" A human scoffed. Her vision finally fixed itself to reveal three humans. One had bright-red hair, and was holding a bat. The other had long navy-blue hair with darker skin. The last human ... was Kai.

Sinox growled as she looked down to realize she was tied up in a chair. "Now. We could've killed you. Be glad we didn't." The ginger human scoffed. "...Who even are you?" Sinox barked. The ginger human let out a laugh. "Might as well tell you. The name's Thomas. The dark blue one is Penny. And the shy one is-" "Kai." Sinox interrupted with a growl.

Thomas stopped and turned to Kai with a glare. "Okay, yes. I do know her, but what was I supposed to do, she looked like she wanted to murder me!" Kai murmured, avoiding Thomas's glare. "Well, it's a good thing you didn't attack. She may be small, but she is feisty." Thomas observed, turning his glare back to Sinox.

"What do you want from me?!" She scoffed. "Calm down, for a start, or I might rethink letting you live." Thomas retorted. She growled softly before going fully silent. "When can we torture her? You said we would be able to if-" "I know what I said, Penny. But she just woke up. Give her some time."

Thomas interrupted. "You're weird when you're nice to ... this thing." Penny scoffed before walking out of the room. "I'll be back for questioning. And Kai, stay with her. If she escapes, well, you have a gun." Thomas sighed before joining Penny.

Silence filled the room as Sinox shot Kai a glare. "I can explain-" "WELL, START EXPLAINING BEFORE I TEAR YOU APART!!" Sinox screeched. "Alright, alright!" Kai exclaimed, backing up and wincing as if she was going to hit him.

{One boring explanation later lol}

"There's your explanation." Kai sighed. Sinox looked down at the ropes tied around her. "I'm still mad at you." She growled. "I can see it." Kai whispered. Sinox scoffed and looked around for an exit.

"We're being watched, aren't we?" Sinox asked with a growl. Kai said nothing, but soon responded with a nod. Sinox held back a scoff and began gnawing in the ropes. "Woah, what are you-" "Shut up, goo-face." Sinox retorted. She looked up at Kai, only to see them pointing the gun right at her head. "Backstabber." She growled.

"Hey, they might kill me if I don't listen!" Kai whimpered. Sinox let out a loud growl when Thomas walked in. "Well well. Time for questioning. Kai, lower the gun." He said with a scoff. Kai listened as Penny walked in with a metal bat. "OOO, I waited ALL DAY for this!" She giggled while swinging the bat back and forth from her hands. Kai trembled in the background.

Sinox looked at Kai, who just shook their head. She turned her glance back to Thomas. "You know a lot. Tell me. Where are your little friends?" He smiled reassuringly. Sinox was not reassured. She just turned away and said nothing. Thomas sighed and pulled out a small knife. She looked up as he sliced her cheek with the knife. She let out a gasp of pain and glared at him. Kai slapped his hands over his mouth, eyes widening in fear.

"I will ask again. Where are they?" Sinox looked at Kai, then at the ground. "I don't know, and even if I did, I still wouldn't tell you." She exclaimed with a growl. Thomas looked up and sighed.

He grabbed the ropes that kept her tied and sliced them. Sinox instantly jumped up and tried to run when she was grabbed by Thomas and pushed back.

"Penny. You know what to do." He glanced at Penny, who was jumping with excitement. "FINALLY!!" She squealed. Sinox growled and slowly backed up. "I can't WAIT To see what this baby can do!" Penny laughed.

She swung the bat around and looked down at Sinox. "I will not hesitate to rip your face off." She snapped. "Ohh, a feisty one! Finally, a real challenge!" Penny squealed, swinging the bat at Sinox. She jumped out of the way and slashed Pennys arm. Penny yelped and backed up, her arm bleeding heavily. "Now you've messed up!" She yelled, swinging the bat and hitting Sinox in the knee.

She yelped and fell on the floor, staring at Penny. She tried to stand back up, but slipped and backed up more. Penny took her foot and stomped on Sinox's stomach. Sinox winced and swung her claw at Penny. Penny moved out of the way and stomped on her stomach harder. Sinox coughed up tiny droplets of blood as she stared at Penny.

"Penny, that's enough! I think you've done your job!" Kai yelped, diving forward and yanking her arm. Penny scoffed and stepped off of Sinox, who began gasping for air. "Fiiine!" She sighed.

"Again, if you kill the people we question, we get nothing except a new body to hide." Kai rustled. "Honestly, Kai has a point, Penny." Thomas sighed. Sinox glared at Kai before laying back down on the floor.

Chapter 5

May 20, 2125. 1:37am

Sinox still laid on the floor, gasping for air. "I swear, when I get my claws on you-" "Says the one who had to be saved by Kai." Thomas spat. Thomas gave Kai a glare, making Kai tense up and wince. "We'll be back. Kai...you know what to do if she tries to attack.." Thomas snarled before leaving with Penny. Kai turned to Sinox and slowly walked up to her. "Do you need-" "Bite me, goo-face." She scoffed. She sat up and glared at Kai.

She scoffed and looked around the dark room. "You're gonna tell me how to get out of here and maybe I'll let you live this time." She growled. "I was gonna- oh, forget it! Over here." They called. She paused for a moment before following them. "Here. Go find the others." They whispered. "What about you-" "I'll hold them back. You go.." Kai interrupted. Sinox looked away and nodded. She ran into the forest, looking back every second she could.

"Oh lord, here is the hard part." She sighed as she looked around. A loud, angry scream made her jump. "Shit!" She yelped. She sprinted further, unaware of where she was. Everything was so dark. The only light source came from her fur, but it wasn't too bright.

She stopped to take a breath and noticed dark-green blood beside her feet. She slowly looked up and saw Nuclear's dead body. She went stiff as she heard shouts and saw lights. She looked around desperately. She saw a big-enough bush and carefully climbed inside. "You're sure she went this way?" "Positive. I could smell her stench from across the damn warehouse."

"Same here."

"And what about Kai?"

"The traitor? Let him go. It's too late to redo what's been done."


"No buts. He's already gone. When I get my hands on those two..."

They walked by the same bush she hid in and stopped beside Nuclear's body. "Argh, this isn't her! This one doesn't have wings. Plus, they're green, not purple and blue." Thomas growled. "She couldn't have gotten far." Penny said. The two walked away, and out of sight. She crawled out of the bush and disappeared into the darkness.

May 20, 2125. 3:53 am

She kept on running until she decided to stop again. She saw lights coming toward her and heard more shouts. They had found her. Shots fired at her as she sprinted away. One bullet hit her arm, almost making her trip, but she kept running.

She turned and ran toward Thomas and Penny. The two yelped in surprise as she jumped over them. Thomas managed to stab her with the knife he held as she ran into the darkness.

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