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Chapter 11

October 17, 2125. 7:16 am

For a moment, everything was silent. Sinox stared at the herbs as she reached out her paw and brushed it against the herby leaves. "Have you never seen herbs before?" Kai asked in a surprised tone. "Not really. The only source of food I could get was some fish from the lake. Deer and all that other stuff wasn't as tasty" Sinox responded

Kai just stared for a moment before looking down at his hands, which were stained with blood. "You look a little like my mother."

"My mother. She was a gootraxian, like you."
"Impossible! In all my years of being a gootraxian, I've never heard of another gootraxian having a child!"

"Because you've never seen it."

"...true. I mean, I'm only 15."

"You're 15?!"

"Yeah? I was the youngest worker in Laminax!"


Everything went silent. Sinox continued to stare at the herbs before she plucked off a piece of spearmint and lightly sniffed it. "Eugh! Mint is weird!" She exclaimed.

"Alright, lovebirds! We gotta pack up and go if we don't want Sinox to be a jacket!" Mary called. Sinox whipped her head around and scoffed, "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING LOVEBIRDS??"

"You and Kai, goo-brain!"


"OH, I AM!"

"Alright, both of you! Stop it!" Kai scolded. Sinox went stiff as her tail fluffed up with anger. "Sinox, calm down." Kai observed. Sinox stared at him with an angry glare before grabbing her tail and fluffing it back to normal.

"Are Mary and Sinox fighting again?" Audrey yawned, rubbing their eyes as they walked into the room. "Not anymore, they aren't." Kai retorted, grabbing an apple and taking a bite out of it. "When do we depart into a 'remarkable adventure?' " Asher laughed. Kai looked at Sinox and back. "Soon." He responded.

Sinox grabbed a black backpack and slid it on. "Sinox, what's in the backpack?" Kai asked sternly. "Food, water, and a gun." Sinox responded. Kai looked at her with a concerned look before saying, "Alright. Go ahead and put it in the car." Sinox squeaked and ran out the door. She looked around before slithering to the car. She opened the door and tossed the backpack in, looking all around her before sliding back into the house. "Ready!" She called. "Alright. I'm driving. Audrey's in the front. Mary, Asher, and Sinox, yall are in the back." Kai observed. "Oh come on! Let me in the front for once!" Mary complained.

"No, because you always put your crusty feet on the dashboard." Kai retorted. Mary opened her mouth to protest, but said nothing. She walked out to the car and climbed to the back seat. Sinox jumped through the window and ended up in the middle of the back seat. "Use the door!" Asher scolded. Sinox just stuck her tongue out and pulled out a notebook she had been carrying.

Audrey put her feet up, and Kai smacked them down saying, "Feet off the dashboard!" Sinox and mary both said, "Feet off the dashboard!" "You guys are bullies!" Audrey scoffed. Asher let out a laugh. "You should've listened to Kai!" Sinox squeaked. "SEE! Even Sinox gets it and she's never been in the front!" Kai scolded.

"Exa- wait what?" Asher exclaimed. Sinox looked out the window as the car pulled out of the garage and sped off. She looked at her notebook and began to draw something. Asher glanced at her notebook and saw a wonderland of trees.

He couldn't help but gasp. "Sinox, those are amazing!" He said excitedly. Sinox yelped as she shot a glare at Asher. "Do not scare me like that!" She scoffed. "Really! That art is amazing!" Asher exclaimed. Sinox just looked at him and smacked his face with her tail.

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