'[!]'_The Beginning_'[!]'

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January 13, 2125. 6:39pm

Everything seemed normal in Laminax. Gootraxians were chatting. Humans were ... well, being humans. Sinox let out a loud yawn as she stared at the ceiling. "Well, that was a rough night. ' She barked. She stretched and jumped down from a bunk-bed she sat on. "Sin? Is that you?" Berry called. "Yep. It's me." Sinox called tiredly. "Hello there- Eugh, you look like you just wrestled a Kaiju." Berry exclaimed. "Ohh wow, thanks for noticing, you goo-face." Sinox scoffed sarcastically.

Berry laughed as she tossed Sinox an apple. She caught it with ease and laid down on a couch. "Have you seen anyone else?" Berry asked. "Nope. Maybe they're out being menaces to society again" Sinox responded. Suddenly a loud, shrill shriek echoed through the facility. "What was that?!" Berry exclaimed. "Oh shit, ASH!" Sinox cried as she bolted out of the library.

Ash was crying loudly while her arm was bleeding heavily. "What happened?! Where's Aurelia and Venom?!" Sinox shrieked. Berry was behind her. "Au-Aurelia— He—" Ash stammered, still crying. "Sinox, we need to go! For god's sake, the humans are attacking!" Berry cried before lifting Ash and bolting for a nearby exit. Sinox acted as if she was paralyzed as she watched a war form in front of her.

She snapped out of her paralysis and followed Berry. Venom was there with Nuclear, who was bleeding heavily. "It's chaos out there! The humans just ... I don't know! They-" "For crystal's sake, Nuclear, calm down! We will get out of here, and we are aware of what happened!" Venom snapped as she wrapped bandages around Nuclear's wound.

"The elevators! We can get out that way!" Sinox realized. Berry let out a sigh. "With all the murderous humans roaming the place looking for us? Not likely." She scoffed. "What else do we have, Berry?? Do you know any other exits?" Sinox snapped. Berry opened her mouth to protest, but didn't say anything.

"Exactly. So, we need to cut through the gas room and the garden to get to the elevators." She barked, glancing behind her as Aurelia stumbled in. "I'm alive!" He said calmly. "Aurelia, you goo-face!" Sinox cried.

She hugged Aurelia tightly as Berry glanced the opposite way of the two. "I might as well end you myself, what were you thinking?!" Sinox scoffed. "No idea." Aurelia responded in a humorous tone. Sinox shot him a glare before turning back to Berry.

"We need to move now or we'll be puddles of goo" Sinox snapped.

Berry let out a silent scoff and jumped out of their hiding spot, followed by Nuclear and Venom. "C'mon Ash." Sinox called. Ash looked up and sprinted toward Sinox. "Please don't get caught." Aurelia said. "I guess I could say the same for you, goo-face." Sinox retorted. Aurelia scoffed and jumped out along with Ash. "Okay ... here we go." She sighed before jumping down.

Aurelia and Ash already caught up with the others. "Some gootraxians were here! Search for them!" A human shrieked. Sinox began to panic as she bolted for the gas room. Surprisingly, she made it. "I see one!" Another human screamed.

Sinox shot her head around and saw two humans charging toward her with blood-stained bats. She let out a terrified, ear-piercing shriek as she sprinted away.

The human's bloodthirsty screams were heard behind her. "Run all you can! We'll catch up!" "Get them, Tommy!" She sprinted as fast as she could before reaching the garden and climbing the tree.

The humans tried to climb up along with her, but she jumped down as soon as they got up. Their screams of anger faded as she finally reached the elevators. "Sinox, let's go!" Berry shrieked. 

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