12 | Six Years Later

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With each step she took she drew closer to her revenge.

"This way, Lady Zhang." The maid who had been leading her stopped in front of a room.

Boldly, the lady stepped inside the room.

"Zhang Bai Zhi here to serve your Majesty." She knelt down before the man on the throne, keeping her head down.

"Let me see your face."

The lady lifted her head up in obedience.

"So it's true. You look exactly like her." For a while, silence echoed in the room, and then he spoke again. "Are you willing to serve me?"

"Yes, your Majesty.'"

The man motioned for the servants to leave the room. As they exited one by one, the lady approached the man timidly.

The man pulled the woman closer to him as the doors closed behind them.

* * * * *

"You love her don't you?"

"Take care of her."

When Sun-hi turned around again, Chung-ho was gone.


It was festival time again in Jhinrea. The city was filled with people in all sorts of masks, beautiful, ugly, plain, and colorful. Both young and old chattered gaily about the celebrations that were to take place. For the next ten days, there were to be plays, dances, tournaments, and banquets.

Business was in full bloom as travelers from surrounding cities came to join in the festivities. One of them, a boy, wore an interesting mask which covered the upper part of his face. It was a plain red but there seemed to be no holes for his eyes, other than that, he seemed ordinarily enough. But as he passed by a stall that sold apples, he skillfully nicked an apple. Acting indifferently, he continued to stroll along the vendors while munching on his apple. Every now and then, he would listen in on conversations among the crowd.

"Concubine Zhang is that beautiful one who can dance isn't she?"

"Yes she is. She's the pretty one who can dance alright. But there's no denying the fact that she's the most heartless one of them all!"

"What makes you say so?"

"My neighbor's niece used to work works at the palace. She was whipped just for looking at the Concubine the wrong way!"

The boy was about to walk away from the two men chatting, when he heard the second part of their conversation.

"She doesn't deserve to be the Empress. Even the Crown prince thinks so."

"Is that true? I thought it was only General Jin and several lower officials who were against it."

"No. The Crown Prince too. And he's going to make sure that she doesn't become the Empress."

"But the Emperor's on her side." The other man argued.

"That might be the case, but the people love the Crown prince and the army is loyal to the General. Those are tough odds to beat."

"I guess so. Anyways, are you..."

Hearing the change in their discussion, the boy turned to leave only to bump into a young judge.

"Sorry." They both apologized.

The man smiled weakly and then continued on his way.

Behind him, the boy smiled. He had forgotten his second purpose, until now.

He'd spotted his prey. Grinning dishonestly, he eased towards the finely garbed man. Carefully, he untied the knot that attached the silk pouch to the judge. Just before the last knot loosened, the boy felt a heavy hand on his shoulders.

"You're pretty good. I almost didn't notice." His voice was soft but strong. "Let's see who's behind that mask."

"No wait!" The boy protested but the judge had already taken off his mask.

The mask fall from his face revealing empty sockets where one's eyes where supposed to be.

Shocked, the judge loosened his grip and took an unconscious step back.

"Surprised?" The boy asked his voice full of sarcasm and spite. "You didn't expect to have your money stolen by a blind person did you, and a girl at that." He snatched the mask from the judge's hands and put it back on.

"A girl? You're a girl? Don't lie!" He grabbed the 'boy' who had begun to walk away.

"Let go of me." She demanded fiercely.

"Not until you tell me the truth."

"I already have." Her expression that was fierce moments ago turned into a playful expression. "I see. You want something more from me?"

"You're coming with me." With that he dragged her by the shoulders.

"No way!" To the surprise of the judge, his captive began screaming in a feminine voice. "Help! This man plans to rape me! Help! Help!"

"Wh-what are you talking about?" The man paled as people around them began taking notice of them. Startled by her accusations, the judge loosened his grip allowing the girl to break free.

About to run after her, the judge was blocked by several angry bystanders.

"So you think you can rape someone in this city huh?" An especially muscular man questioned him.

While the judge tried to explained, he caught sight of the thief sticking his tongue out at him before disappearing into the crowd.

* * * * *

"Help! This man plans to rape me! Help! Help!"

Li-na froze at the screams, flashes of 'that night' paralyzing her.

"BOO!" A voice at her side pierced through her trance.

Looking at the boy in front of her, a smile formed on her face. "Ah! Jin-er you scared me! What are you doing? Where did you get that mask?"

The six-year old boy took off his mask and look inquiringly at Li-na.

"What? Something on my face?" Li-na asked as she reached for her face.

"You knew it was me." He stated.

Li-na smiled and bent down to his level. "Of course I knew it was you. You're my little boy, if I didn't recognize you, who would?"

"I've been doing this all afternoon and no one has recognized me yet, not even grandpa and nanny."

Li-na began stroking the boy's head, "Grandpa and nanny were probably just surprised. Now where did you get that mask?"

Once more, Li-na froze. A feeling of déjà vu swept over her causing her eyes to water.

"Ma, what's wrong?" The boy asked worriedly.

"It's nothing. Come here." And she pulled the boy into a tight embrace.



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