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China, the once beautiful land of the Hans had transformed into nothing more than a wasteland. Green beauty no more, instead, the blood of China's people tainted the soil turning it into a dark shade of red.

As the sun rose over the plains, its ray fell on four armored figures. Each breathed heavily, with beads of perspiration covering their foreheads. Three of the men were encircling the fourth, like vultures over a dead body. Without warning, the encircled warrior raised his sword. In that instant, the others rushed towards him, screaming at the top of their lungs. Despite his weariness, the warrior moved swiftly displaying abilities on par with the highest ranking Jiedushi, regional military governors of the Tang Dynasty. Within moments, the three men laid at his feet. For a second his face showed signs of anguish, but that was quickly gone.

In the distance, a small group of riders headed towards him. Seeing them, he headed in their direction. However, fatigue caused him to fall on his knees instead. Panting slowly, he surveyed the scene before him.

The grasslands have been engulfed in a sea of dead bodies. Throughout the horizon, the fighting had begun to cease as enemy warriors surrendered. Injured men and stray horses lay scattered across the battlefield; some were attempting to move while others lay still, moaning with pain. All the while, the stench of rotting flesh got heavier.

His gaze finally fell on his own tainted sword. Once more a look of pain flashed quickly across his face. Regaining his composure, he used his sword to pull himself up. By then, the riders had reached him. They dismounted and one by one started kneeling.

"Long live the King! May he live for hundreds and hundreds of years to come." The riders declared in unison.

Guo Ziyi – for that was the warrior's name – stood solemnly, acknowledging their allegiance with a light nod. Then, feeling the warmth of the new sun on his face, he closed his eyes. Opening them, he said,

"It is a new dawn, a new beginning."


After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, China faced a period of turbulent warfare. Amongst the turmoil, Guo Ziyi took power. Under his leadership, China reverted back into a glorious nation and he led them on many a conquest including Japan, Korea, and Mongolia. With the expansion of China, Guo Ziyi named the new empire, Jhinrea. 

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