02 | Bandit of Bandits

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Night had fallen when she finally reached the nearest town. Though no one was about, she entered it warily, checking for any signs of trouble. Seeing none, she set about looking for the town inn. Though it was night, the full moon made it possible for Xingling to see. After a while, she met a woman walking in her direction. Failing to notice the woman's anxious looks, Xingling approached the woman to ask for directions. Before she could say a word, a masked figure jumped down on the woman and slashed her in the back. The woman let out a scream of pain as she landed on top of Xingling. Startled, Xingling fell to the ground with the weight of the woman. Seeing her, the masked man paused and looked as if he was examining her. Unexpectedly, he threw his sword at her. On instinct, she caught it with one hand while her other hand supported the woman. The woman's scream had caused the quiet town to awaken from its slumber. Within moments, a crowd had gathered. Seeing Xingling with the corpse in one hand and the sword covered with blood on the other hand, it was evident to them that a murder had occurred.

A swirl of voices erupted as the townspeople realized what had happened:


"She's dead! Murder!"

"Call the watchmen!"

"She killed her!"


"Seize her! She killed that woman!"

"No...no...it wasn't me. It wasn't me. It was that masked man...a masked...man...not me..." Amidst the chaos, Xingling tried to explain what had really happened but looking at the faces in the crowd, she knew they had already convicted her. So she dropped both the woman and the sword and ran. Fear drove her.

As silent as a cat, she maneuvered her way across the maze that was the town. With each turn, her heart thumped loudly, afraid she might encounter someone. At the same time, a voice inside her head urged her to quicken her pace. Finally, she turned into a narrow pathway. At the end of the path, she found herself in front of an abandoned shrine. Hoping to find refuge, she entered it. A mistake. Accept for the statue of a goddess, the inside of the shrine was deserted.

It was a dead end. She was trapped.



The city was bursting with life. The buildings were covered in all sorts of bright colors and laughter filled the streets. Everyone was celebrating the coronation of Crown Prince Guo Jian – everyone that is – except for a girl. A girl attempting to make her way through the crowd. A girl with desperation written on every inch of her pretty face.

As she headed for the city's major gambling den, the Old Tiger, images of a boy filled her thoughts. A boy with two faces. One of kindness, another of cruelty. The person she was looking for. Reaching her destination, she caught sight of a curving above the den's doors. It was the Chinese character for righteousness, Yi. Recognizing the symbol, her eyes widened with disbelief. In a daze, she took a couple steps back, "No! This can't be! He's still here! I have to find him! I have to tell him!" But even she did not believe herself. She knew it was a meaningless errand now. By then her round eyes had started to water and her pink lips began to quiver. Helplessness overwhelmed her and she allowed herself to be swept away into the crowd behind her.

The curving could only mean one thing. The Bandit of Bandits was gone.



The shouts that were distant a while ago seemed to be so much closer. A flurry of footsteps was hurrying in the shrine's direction. What was she to do? She was surrounded and there was no way out! All of sudden, hands grabbed her from behind. One covered her mouth, while the other dragged her into a hidden room behind the goddess' statue. As the door closed, men rushed into the shrine. Finding no one there, they quickly dispersed.

Looking through a crack in the door, Xingling watched as one by one the watchmen left the shrine. As the last one exited, the hand covering her mouth loosened allowing her to breathe in relief.

"Follow me," a cold voice whispered into her ear. Startled, Xingling turned around just in time to see the broad back of a man disappear into another room. Though she did not know this man, the fact that he had helped her meant that he was not out to harm her, and so, she followed him.

Xingling lost track of time after entering the 3rd tunnel. Hours must've passed by now. Xingling thought to herself. However, they haven't been in the tunnel that long, for when they came out it was still night. They were at the edge of a forest just a few miles south of the town.

Swiftly, the masked man drew his sword at pointed it at Xingling.

"Who sent you?" His cold voice sending shivers down her spine.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Xingling replied, looking confused.

"Don't play games with me. Who sent you to kill Eun-Jae?"


"The woman that you killed."

"I didn't kill that woman! I was set up!" Xingling cried out.

"You better tell me the truth before my patience run out."

"I am telling the truth!" She exclaimed, glaring at him fiercely.

From a young age, he had been trained to know when a person was lying. Looking into her eyes, he knew she only spoke the truth. Cautiously, he withdrew his sword and placed it back in its sheath.

"Did you see who killed her?"

Calming down, Xingling said, "He wore a mask and dressed all in black. That's all I know."

Hearing her reply, he turned to leave.

"Wait! How do you know her?"

He turned around and spoke to Xingling in a calm yet heartless voice, "Whether I know her or not is none of your business."

"It is my business! I've been framed! I have to find the murderer to clear my name and to do that, I need to know who that woman was and why she was killed!" Xingling burst out.

"That's your problem, but I suggest you forget about this incident and leave town. A woman has already been killed and you could be the next one if you interfere."

"Why should I? Like you said, a woman has just been killed in cold blood, how can I stand aside and watch her murderer go free?!"

Smirking with amusement the boy spoke, "You sound as if you knew the woman? Do you? Is that why you're so eager to seek justice on her behalf?"

Taken aback by his sarcastic tone, Xingling stuttered, "N-no, I don't know her. It's just that... don't you want to seek justice for her? Isn't that why you wanted to kill me? Because you thought I was the murderer? I–"

"But why are you so angry? You don't even know her."

"Because it's the right thing to do, isn't it? That we look for her murderer?"

"We?" The man chuckled and looked at her with amusement in his eyes, "Fine, you can come along."


"As long as you don't get in the way."

"I wouldn't."

The man started to walk, Xingling following closely behind.

"Ummmm... my name's Pe-" remembering suddenly that she was in hiding, she gave him her mother's maiden name, "Lee Ji-ah. My name's Lee Ji-ah. What's your name?"

"Me? I'm the Bandit of Bandits."

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