08 | Mistake

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"Have you heard the news?!" Joon Seok shouted as he burst into the room.

"Calm down Joon Seok, we know. Master Jin discovered Xingling and Li-na and mistook them for lovers." Chung-ho replied.

"Miss Lee and Shu Qi have gone to look for Xingling." Lin Feng, who was also in the room, informed him.

"Xiao Ling's missing?! You–you don't think she's gone and done something stupid do you?" Joon Seok asked anxiously.

"With Xingling's personality, she might have," Lin Feng spoke in a-matter-of-fact voice.

"It's as if you don't care Lin Feng," Joon Seok glared at him then began pacing back and forth. "Argh, what are we going to do? What are we going to do?"

"You guys aren't going to do anything," Xingling entered the room, "I am."

"Xingling! Are you okay?" Joon Seok rushed towards her and gave her a bear-like hug. He then began examining her anxiously. "You're not hurt are you? Are you?"

"No, I'm fine Joon Seok ge ge."

"No, you're not." Chung-ho voiced out. "You're not alright. Look at you, you're brimming with rage. You are not going anywhere until you've cooled your head down."

"What?! NO! You expect me to sit around and do nothing?! I can't do that! It's my fault that my sister is going to prison! I have to save her!"

"He's right, you have to stay here Xiao Ling," the usually carefree Joon Seok spoke solemnly for once.

"But ge–"

"We'll go. Wouldn't we Chief?" Joon Seok turned to Chung-ho.

Sighing, Chung-ho said, "Yes. Xingling, you stay here with Lin Feng. Wait for Shu Qi and Sun-hi and then leave–"

"But Chung-ge–"

"It wasn't a suggestion Xingling." Chung-ho cut her off. "You can either stay willingly or be bound up. Once we have your sister, we will follow you." Chung-ho motioned Joon Seok to follow him and both exited the room.

Though still indignant, Xingling resigned herself to the circumstances. Chung-ho had said that he would bring her sister, and in the year that Xingling had known him, she had never known him to break his word.

* * * * *


It was nearing twilight when Chung-ho and Joon Seok reached the city prison. They had easily snuck in, knocking out a few guards on the way. Joon Seok remained at the entrance to keep watch as Chung-ho ventured into the gloomy corridor filled with prison cells. As soon as they saw him, the prisoners began pleading with him to let them out. Ignoring them, Chung-ho began calling out for Madam Jin in a hushed voice. Finally reaching the end of the hallway, a serene voice answered him, "Yes?"

Chung-ho searched for the cell where the voice had come from and found a lady dressed in white looking up at him. Though she was dressed shabbily and dirt was smeared all over her face, her demeanor indicated a beautiful and graceful lady.

"Are you Madam Jin?"

"Yes I am. What do you want?"

"Xingling sent me. We're here to save you."

Upon hearing Xingling's name, Li-na scrambled to her feet. "Xingling? Is she alright?"

"Yes she is. She's waiting for you right now." Chung-ho began trying the keys he'd found on the lock.

"Stop." Li-na placed her dainty fingers over the keyhole. "Do not try to save me."

"What? I don't understand, why?"

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