09 | Betrayal

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The man awoke with a start and looked up at her.

It was the Crown Prince Guo Jian.

She had grabbed the wrong man!



Outside the smoke was clearing and one by one the horses calmed down. One of his men helped Ryuu Jin up.

"The Prince...the Prince, is he alright?" Ryuu asked while trying to open his eyes.

"The Prince, sir?" His man took a quick glance at the surroundings.

"I don't see him sir."

"You don't see him?! What do you mean you don't see him?!" Not believing the man, Ryuu Jin searched for the Crown Prince but quickly realized that he was right. Understanding too late that the explosion was a distraction, Ryuu Jin shouted to his men, "Men! The Crown Prince is missing! Divide into two groups and begin searching for him at once! Arrest anyone who gets in your way!"

Hearing his orders, the men quickly dispersed into smaller groups, all except for one. Hearing the orders, he purposely fell behind and when the others left to search for the Prince he disappeared into one of the inns nearby. His name was Chung-ho and he knew where the Crown Prince was to be found.



Looking at the Crown Prince, all of Xingling's anger vanished at once, only to be replaced by a dread. Before she could figure out what to do though, Guo Jian stood up.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" He spoke calmly but with authority as if he wasn't a prisoner at all.

"I–I..." Xingling could hardly breathe now. She had just attempted to kill the Crown Prince!

"Who are you?" Guo Jian asked again.

"I–I'm so–sorry. I did not mean to harm you ... I was ..."

"What do you mean?"

The door opened before Xingling could answer. Intuitively, Xingling pulled the Crown Prince towards her and placed her sword on his neck. A man stepped into the room.


"Chung-ge! What are you doing here?"

"Look Ling," careful not to say her real name, Chung-ho pleaded with her, "Ling put the sword down and we'll talk."

"I–I didn't mean to...I didn't want this to happen."

"I know, I know," Chung-ho tried to soothed her. "You were angry that's all. Now put the sword down."

Just as she was about too, the doors opened again, this time revealing Ryuu Jin and his men.

"You!" Xingling and Ryuu Jin shouted in unison.

At once Xingling held up her sword against Guo Jian's neck. The emotions that had disappeared a while ago came flooding back in. The rage strengthened her. She had planned everything to kill Ryuu Jin. She had been prepared to sacrifice her life in the process. She still was.

"Stay back or I'll kill him." She threatened the guards who had quickly positioned themselves around the room with their bows drawn.

To one side, Chung-ho who had slipped back with the rest of the warriors shook his head and begged with his eyes. Failing to get a response from her, he too drew his bow reluctantly.

"Why are you doing this? What do you hope to gain?" Ryuu Jin questioned her.

Xingling looked at him frostily then replied, "A trade. I'll let the Crown Prince go in exchange for your life."

Xingling felt a sudden jerk from her captive but only tightened her grip.

"Fine. Let the Crown Prince go first."

"Do you take me for a fool? You come here first."

Ryuu hesitated before taking a step towards her.

"Wait. No weapons."

Ryuu began taking off his weapons and handing them to one of his men.

"Tell your men to lower their bows." Ryuu paused to study her face then gestured his men to do so.

He then lifted his hands to show that he had no hidden weapons then proceeded towards captor and captive. Xingling lowered her sword slowly and nudged the Crown Prince forward. For every step Ryuu took, Guo Jian also took a step. One step followed by another and then another, until finally, Prince and Captain were standing face to face. The tense atmosphere in the room was now at its peak. Everyone knew that a couple steps forward and the Crown Prince would be out of harm's way, but that also meant that Ryuu would be the one in danger, the next few seconds would determine the lives of both men.

Xingling watched uneasily when she noticed an irregular lump on Ryuu Jin's sleeve. At once, Xingling realized that she'd been too naïve. Of course, Ryuu Jin would have a hidden weapon on him! Feeling the rush of fear, time seemed to slow down for Xingling, giving her time to analyze the situation. If she waited until he was near enough to strike, he could easily block her and give time for his men to shoot her. Acting instinctively, she rushed towards them with her sword aimed at the Crown Prince. To kill Ryuu Jin she would have to take him by surprise, and to do that she had to go through the Crown Prince. By doing so, either Ryuu Jin would try to save the Crown Prince by pushing him aside, or, he would not have time to act and then she would pierce her sword through the Crown Prince and into Ryuu. True to her impulsive nature, she acted before thinking of the consequences and as she predicted, Ryuu had no time to react. Her sword was soon upon Guo Jian but at the last instant, Xingling swerved her sword narrowly avoiding the Prince. However, it was too late.


A strong force knocked the wind out of Xingling causing her to stop in her tracks. Curiously, she touched her chest and was surprised to find it damp and her hands covered in blood. Looking up, she searched for her attacker and found the only strung bow in the room, Chung-ho's. Her eyes widened in disbelief as realization dawned on her. Chung-ho's lips were moving but shock caused her temporary deafness. Just as she lost consciousness she caught a glimpse of what could be remorse in his eyes but she couldn't be sure. That was the last time she ever saw him.

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