06 | A Year Ago

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"Huff, huff, thank you," the girl thanked Xingling.

"Huff, no, huff, problem," Xingling said, "who was that man anyways?"


"Don't want to talk about him huh? Its okay, my name's Ling."


Behind them a voice called out, "Sun-hi, is that you?"

Sun-hi froze at the familiarity of the voice. Turning around slowly, she let out a gasp as she laid eyes on the man who had called out to them.


It was Chung-ho.

* * * * *


Chung-ho walked on the empty road with a burdened heart. He was on a new mission and one that he did not want to carry out. He walked for several more minutes when he began to see the beginnings of a lake. The sun shone brightly on its surface causing it to shimmer brightly.

As he got closer, he noticed a girl sitting near its edge. She stared intently at the lake with a peculiar expression. Chung-ho couldn't help but smile inside as he guessed the girl's thoughts. Though the sun was out, it was cool for a light breeze blew every now and then. It was a perfect day for a swim and the girl must be contemplating whether to swim or not.

"You should go for it." He said, surprising not only the girl but himself.

The girl turned to look up at him. She was about his age and with her fair skin and rosy, red lips she was quite pretty. She examined him curiously through her big, round eyes.

"You should go for it," he repeated himself.


"Go for a swim."

"How'd you–"

'It's written all over your face.'

"Oh–" her forehead creased into a frown.

"Are you going?"

Ignoring his question, she asked, "Who are you?"

Chung-ho chuckled, "Me? Why do you want to know?"

"Because you're strong. You are, aren't you? I didn't even notice you approach me."

"You must've been too deep in your thoughts." He grinned widely but inside, he realized that if she could figure that out, she must have some link to the martial arts world and that meant she knew of him.

"I thought that at first, but that wasn't it, you are strong. Why did you approach me? Are you friend or foe?" The girl questioned him warily.

Friend or foe? Chung-ho had been thinking the same thing. Not wanting a confrontation, he decided to change the direction of the conversation, he decided to leave.

"Whoa, slow down. I was just trying to have a conversation. Since you obviously feel uncomfortable, I'll leave." He turned to leave but not before she stopped him.

"No, wait. Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. You just surprised me. I'm Lee Sun-hi, and you are?"

Chung-ho hesitated giving his name but looking into Sun-hi's innocent eyes; he smiled and said, "Nice to meet you Miss Lee, I'm Chung-ho. Just Chung-ho."


Sun-hi waited patiently by the lake for Chung-ho. A few days had passed since she had met Chung-ho. Aside from her appa and oppa, Chung-ho was the only guy she knew and he intrigued her. Though she had been wary of him at first, they had quickly become fast friends. She found out that he was a Korean like her and had started calling him 'oppa'. She also learnt that he was staying at the Old Tiger den, a strange place to be staying which Sun-hi voiced out, but Chung-ho quickly changed the topic. This had made Sun-hi even more curious but she understood the subtle hint and questioned him no further. There were many other things to Chung-ho that made him interesting. Like his fair complexion and delicate looking body. He could easily pass off as a girl, yet Sun-hi knew better, he was strong. He was also very knowledgeable. In one of their conversations, they had talked about the infamous Bandit of Bandits, who little was known about, even within martial art circles. Sun-hi only knew him as the ruthless leader of the underworld and despised him as her family did. On the other hand, Chung-ho knew a lot about him, from his trademark, the character 'Yi' to the many different groups under him.

"Without the Bandit of Bandits, the gamblers, thieves, and assassins would run rampage in this country. The Bandit limits their actions and ensures that their actions do not harm the people as much." Chung-ho had said.

Sun-hi had always seen the Bandit as a menace to society but it never occurred to her he could be helping society instead. Meeting Chung-ho has given her new perspectives on life and has introduced certain unfamiliar feelings to her. She didn't know when it started but whenever she was with him, she would feel greatly contented and happy, and whenever they were apart, she felt a longing for his presence. Not having been in love before, Sun-hi did not understand the feelings brought about by Chung-ho. Before she had more time to ponder, she heard footsteps behind her. Turning around, she saw two men coming towards her with drawn swords.

Sun-hi was a skilled fighter but they had the advantage with their swords. Even so, Sun-hi prepared to fight them when she realized that a third man had come up behind her. Judging by their stance, Sun-hi knew she could've handled one man without getting hurt, two with the risk of injuries, but taking on 3 men would be suicide. She had to run away.

"What do you guys want?" Sun-hi shouted at them, hoping to buy time. However, the men only replied with silence. So much for that plan, she thought to herself. With the men closing in her, Sun-hi decided that she wasn't going down without a fight. Just as the men prepared to strike, two of them fell to their knees, wincing in pain. Chung-ho had crept up behind them and had silently struck them down with his sword.

"Chung-ho oppa!" Sun-hi ran to him.

"Stay behind me Sun-hi." He placed a protective hand in front of her while his other hand held on to his sword. He had spoken softly but enough that Sun-hi noticed a difference. Unlike his usual friendly voice, this was cold and uninviting.

"Bandit of Bandits, I'm going to kill you!" The last man charged towards them with his sword raised.

Chung-ho parried his strike effortlessly then slashed him across the stomach. The man dropped his sword and fell to his knees. "Y-you," was all he managed before he took his last breath.

Chung-ho glanced back at Sun-hi to see if she was alright, and then set to cleaning his sword.

"You're the Bandit of Bandits?" Sun-hi asked softly.

"Yes," Chung-ho replied as he sheathed his sword. "I'm sorry you had to see that but don't worry, you wouldn't be seeing me again."

Before Sun-hi could utter a word, Chung-ho disappeared into the surrounding plains.

* * * * *


He had lied to her. Here he was standing in front of her.

"Oppa." Sun-hi called out.

* * * * *


Luoyang: A city east of Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Today, Luoyang makes up Western Henan.

Appa: Dad (Korean)

Oppa: Older brother (Korean)

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