11 | Tainted

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Xingling was running but she didn't know why. Running, running, running. Until finally, she ran into a clearing. Beneath the moon lit sky, sitting next to a stone engraved, sat a still lone soul. Surrounded by withering trees, it was an image of eerie beauty. One of elegance mixed with the unknown. Cautiously, Xingling moved towards the girl, the sound of crunching leaves under her feet stirred no signs of life from the girl. Once close enough, Xingling read the words curved into the stone.


Before she could react, the girl looked up at her and asked innocently, 'Where are my eyes?'

In the place where her eyes were supposed to be, there was only emptiness.

Horror griped Xingling's entire body as she let out a soundless scream.


Xingling woke up with a start. The dream disappeared but the darkness remained. Frantically, she searched for some sort of light.

"Sssh, ssh," cooed a voice beside her. "It's alright, it's alright. You're safe now."

Then the memories came flooding back in. The betrayal. The trial. The torture. Each memory brought up such strong emotions that Xingling couldn't help but let out a whimper. The person must have noticed for he wrapped his arms around Xingling and whispered into her ear, "It's alright. Just let it all out."

Hearing the invitation, a wave of exhaustion washed over Xingling and she sunk into the arms of her unknown companion.



Sun-hi stepped out of the room and closed the doors behind her.

"How is she?" A voice came out of nowhere causing Sun-hi to squeak in surprise.

"Oh, it's you Chung-ho. you surprised me."

"I'm sorry. How is she?"

"Not too good, but she's strong. An adult in her position would have caved in by now, but she's holding on."

Gazing intently at the doors behind Sun-hi, frustration filled his face.

"It's all because of me."

"You must've had your reasons." Sun-hi spoke with understanding.

"It doesn't matter. I shot her. I betrayed her."

"You saved her."

"Does it matter? She's blind because of me!"

"She'll understand."

"She wouldn't!"

"Give her a chance."


"If you don't tell her, I will." Sun-hi reached for the doors but was stopped by Chung-ho.

"No!" He grabbed her hands and pulled her towards him. Both of them held their breath as inside Xingling moved then settled down again.

"You can't!" Chung-ho's face was so close that Sun-hi could feel his warm breath on her as he hissed the words out.

Flustered, Sun-hi could barely speak, "Why?"

"Promise me Sun-hi."


Reluctantly, Chung-ho loosened his grip. "Why does it matter? I'm leaving her. I might as well leave without a trace."

"So that's what you're going to do? Leave her? Coward."

"Yes. Please Sun-hi. Promise me you wouldn't tell her. Please."

Seeing the pain on his face, Sun-hi turned away from him.


"Thank you." Relief ringing clearly in those two words.

"You love her don't you?"

It hurt Sun-hi to say it, but she could no longer deny it. She had seen how Chung-hi had waited patiently for Xingling to awake. She had seen how he held her closely when she awoke.

He didn't answer her question.

"Take care of her."

When Sun-hi turned around again, Chung-ho was gone.



Li-na was getting ready for bed when Ryuu burst into the room.

"Leave us!" He commanded her maids. Recognizing the impatience in his voice, they left quickly.

As the last of them left the room, Li-na turned to her husband who strode towards her. Within seconds, Ryuu had her pinned against the wall. Terror seared through Li-na as she stared into the mad eyes of her husband.

"Had a good laugh wife?" Ryuu sneered, spite ringing in his every word. "Did you think you could fool me?"

Li-na turned away from his glare.

"Well, you didn't." Ryuu spat out. "I know it was Xingling."

Li-na's eyes darted towards him.

"Yes that's right. Ling xian sheng was Xingling."

Uneasiness fell on Li-na at his words.

"Do you want to know what I did to your precious sister?" He taunted her.

"What did you do to her?" Li-na finally spoke.

Ryuu Jin smiled evilly before whispering, "I gouged her eyes out."

Li-na's eyes grew wide at his casual words. Still smiling, Ryuu examined her reaction with satisfaction.

"That's right, the sister you tried so hard to protect ended up being hurt after all."

Ryuu Jin's cruelty stirred Li-na. With loathing in her eyes, she told him, "I hate you."

The abruptness of her words surprised Ryuu, causing him to release Li-na's arms.

"That's right husband. I. Hate. You."

Coming around from the shock, he replied, "Hate? I'll show you what hate is."

He advanced towards her and began kissing her aggressively on the neck.

"What are you doing?" Panic seeping into her question as she tried to break free.

"Married for a year and never once have we slept together, its no wonder you don't know what I'm doing." He chuckled sarcastically.

"Let go of me. Let go of me!" Despite her protests, Ryuu easily threw her on the bed.

"No. Tonight I'm going to have you." He answered and began tearing off her clothes.

"Nooo! Nooo! Nooo ..."


The strong devours the weak,

And the pure becomes tainted.

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