Chapter 19

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Avril's pov:

We all went to the cottage, Milan still carrying me while Eli and Pixie carried the twins.

Milan carefully placed me on the chair, and the twins sitting beside me.

Eli prepared my food, so I can feed the twins. I fed Ayden and Ali alternately so they would finish eating at the same time.

Ajax, dad, and uncle are still busy drinking, while we all ate.

After we finished eating, we all took a rest; while my brothers went with the twins into the beach.

The girls and I just talked with each other, while the others minded their own businesses.

When it got quiet, I decided to take a shower and changed my clothes.

After that

I went back to the cottage, and placed my head on Milan's lap and watched my brothers and the twins playing. Until I fell asleep.

1 hour later

I woke up to the feeling of being carried, I looked around and see Ajax carrying me into a bridal style with the twins following us.

Ajax placed me on the front seat of his car while the kids sat on the back, and him at the driver's.

We drove away from the parking. Ajax is driving us around as we don't have anything much to do anyway.

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