Chapter 16

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𝖠𝗃𝖺𝗑'𝗌 𝖯𝖮𝖵:

Hillary's friends has been staring at each other while this woman beside me whispers something to them.

When we saw our designated table, I immediately had her first seated and I sat beside her.

"Would the bride to be like to say or announce something?" The emcee asked.
"No, but my friends do" She said.
"May the bride to be's friends go here to the stage" The emcee said.

They got up and went to the stage.

"Are you sure about this, Vri?" Milan asked.
"Yes" I said.
"Good evening everyone, I'm Milan aka Nathalia Clyborne.

Vril, I just wanna say thank you for 10 years of friendship. We may fight and argue some times, but my love for you will never change. We became friends during elementary and eventually grew very close together that people mistaken us as sisters.

Now that we're going to be cousins in law; I wanna thank you and Ajax for everything. I'm hoping for a never ending love for you two, as new journey awaits you into marriage and parenthood.

"Parenthood?" mom and dad asked.
"Vri's pregnant with Ajax's baby tita"

Everyone looked shocked and I paused for a second.

"But we didn't even-" I said lowly.
"We did, remember when we were at the club? We got drunk and hooked up" She explained.

Oh. Everyone clapped and started to congratulate us.

Milan and their other friends stepped down from the stage and went back to their table.

I gently put my arm on Avril and carefully caressed her stomach.

"Waiters can now distribute the foods" The emcee stated.

The caterer's started to distribute the foods as we all ate. Avril had the caterer's eat with us so they wouldn't also be hungry.

We just talked about stuffs. When we finished eating, the caterer's went back to serving the desserts as Avril and I started to talk about the wedding.

"Hm. What if, we had the wedding early before the baby arrives?"
"What about next month?"
"Yeah, we're getting married next month"

We just talked about the baby and wedding, nothing more.
Epilogue is near:')

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