Chapter 15

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While walking around the mall looking for the clothes, shoes, and accessories the kids can wear for the dinner. We first looked around the clothes section, then the shoes, and the last accessories.

I let the kids checked out every clothes they want as they'll pick their own choices. I wanted the kids to pick out their own outfits to wear for the dinner that will be held later. My parents and Ajax's parents decided to host a dinner party at a hotel's ballroom inviting everyone in their family trees. The party is kinda mix since there would be kids. The theme of the dinner "party" for the adults is Casino and for the kids is their favorite children shows like "Paw Patrol, Barbie Life In The Dreamhouse, and etc".

I watched and followed the twins to every aisle they go through to pick more shoes, clothes, and accessories. We also went to the toy section.

"Auntie can I also have this?" my niece asked as she handed me the Skye from paw patrol plushie.
"Alright, sweetheart" I said.

I took the plushie and put it in the cart. Ayden is still looking for his own favorite character while me and Ali waited.

After a few minutes of waiting

Ayden found the plushie he wanted and gave it to me.

"That's the one I want mummy" My nephew stated.
"Alrght, are you two done with the shopping?" I asked and put the Panda Bear plushie on the cart.
"Yes!" They both said with excitement.

We went towards the nearest cashier to pay for the stuff.

After paying. We strolled around the mall until the twins got tired and that's when I decided we should go home.

I carried both of the twins in my arms while holding bundle of paper bags filled with the kids stuff that we recently purchased. When we reached the car; I unlocked the car and placed the kids on their seats. I also arranged the backseat so Ayden will have a place to sleep in as Ali soon fell asleep while I'm still arranging the chair. Soon later I finished and Ayden transferred to the back and also slept all the way home.

I put the paper bags on the front seat and turned the engine on. Right after turning the engine on I connected my phone to the audio and played Snow On The Beach(feat. Lana Del Rey) and Snow On The Beach(feat. More Lana Del Rey); and drove home.

Once we got home I first woke up Ali and carried her into the house. I followed Ayden and had to carefully carry him since he hasn't woken up from his slumber.

I bought the paper bags and went inside the house. I found dad at the living room watching the news and mom in their bedroom trying on a bunch of dresses.

I walk up to mom and kissed her in the cheek.

"My baby, my one and only daughter. I can't believe your getting married soon; you've grown so much, the last I checked was your still in college getting a degree. And now here you are, soon to be bride." Mom stated and tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Mom..." I said.
"Enough crying, let's get ready" Mom said.

I went to my bedroom and took a bath.

(after that cuz I'm lazy asf)

I got ready and gave the kids their bath. I had them pick their clothes and they picked to wear their new clothes, shoes, and accessories.


Right after we finished getting ready, We got into my car and picked Atlas at the hotel his staying up.

During the car ride with my parents and Atlas they seemed to talk a lot about something.

We soon arrived at the venue and parked the car. I saw Ajax and his sisters and my friends come out from his car.

The twins hold both of my hand as the three of us was supposed to enter together but Ajax and I got stopped by the security at the entrance and the others went inside first; leaving Ajax and I alone(the security isn't included).

From the inside we heard a loud music and that's when the security had let us in. As we walked towards the door the security had Ajax's arms at my waist. He and the other guard slowly opened the door as we walked inside. I can see the twins sitting beside their uncle Atlas and my family and Ajax's family staring at us and clapping for us.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, None Other Than The Bride To Be & Groom To Be themselves. Ms. Avril Hillary West and Mr. Ajax Sēanalecc Clyborne!" The emcee stated.

"JUST HAVE THE WEDDING AND BUMP ALREADY!" My friends said in a loud voice.
"Okay, seems like the bride to be's friends knew something; we don't" The emcee joked.
Everyone laugh and proceeded to the event.
Sorry, if it's rushed.

The CEO is my Baby DaddyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon