His Past.

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Heyyy! New book alert!! I really hope you enjoy this book as much or even better than my first one if you've read it already! (No this is not the one that will be a continuation of it)

<Sonic's POV>
"Why are we in the woods?" My little voice said quietly to my Mother trying to get at least a small response but to no avail. I was getting dragged by my arm, my wrist tightly gripped in my Mother's hand to the point I almot wanted to cry. Earlier that day just before I started getting dragged out of our house violently I had accidentally made my Mother extremely mad. She did get mad a lot but I had not expected something like this to ever happen.

"Mother?" I said quietly again and she just snarled in response. At least it was something but I felt myself flinch at her harshness. She was dragging me for what felt like much too far into the dark woods that was miles from our house. How would I ever get back? Was my only repeating thought as she dragged me further. I started to try and get my small wrist out of her unsettlingly strong grip on it. It made me slowly get tired from how much energy it took me to try but barely make any progress. She was still holding tight as she walked angrily further and further into the woods which only seemed to get darker as we went. Me being a young hedgehog began to cry as any young child would.

"Mother please let me go! I want to go home!" She didn't listen. She didn't respond. She didn't stop walking. She just kept doing what she was before, and this made me cry more.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO SONIC?!" The older hedgehog yelled at her son in frustration.


"NO! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! I'M DONE WITH YOU KID!" She kept yelling as she grabbed his arm tightly making him yelp in response and dragged him out of the house.
~Flashback over~

The older hedgehog which I had believed to be somewhat caring before this as she was my Mother only kept dragging me deeper into the forest as I kept pleading her to stop until we came to an almost pitch black area with a cave. She then threw me and left quickly before I could recover from our aggressive tavel. I stood up and looked around purely terrified.

"Mother..?" I questioned quietly before running at an unusual speed to try and find her only to realize I had gone in a circle multiple times in a row. I looked at the cave debating on going in it, but what other choice do I have? I thought to myself as I walked inside slowly while carefully taking in my surroundings to make sure there was nothing there that could attack me only to feel myself be tackled from behind. As I immediately had instinctively started thrashing to get away from whatever had suddenly started to attack me I felt claws begin to dig into my back and scrape downwards making me feel crimson blood dripping down my own back as I winced in pain before managing to throw the animal off of my now pained back. I turned around quickly to see a cougar getting back up. I quickly ran over grabbing the cougar making sure not to hurt it and ran in a straight line for a few minutes before putting it down and immediately running back to the cave to make sure nothing else was there to hurt me. I walked inside being more careful this time, the stinging of the cuts on my back becoming overwhelming. After checking the entire cave I used some extra clothing I'd managed to grab to patch up my bleeding back.

"Maybe I could try finding my way back again.." I said to myself before walking out of the cave again. I stopped right outside now realizing that my eyes began to adjust to the dark quickly. I could see every detail perfectly, the leaves of the trees were large but still small, then branches were bulky and climbable, the grass was tall but very easy for me to walk in, and the vines seemed sturdy enough to swing from. I hesitantly walked over and proceeded to climb up the tall, bulky tree using the loose bark to hold onto as I went. I made it to the first branch and got on top of it looking at the tempting vine that hung down from above me. I tentatively grabbed at the hanging vine making sure to slowly tighten my grip then got momentum and swung to another branch grabbing it with my other hand and getting onto it. I steadied myself then looked at the tree I had landed on seeing fruits that I recognized, I also looked back at the swinging vine and started laughing of joy.

"This is the most fun I've ever said! Maybe I don't have to go back.." I exclaimed to myself following after I grabbed a few of the fruits, and climbed down the tree and ran back to my cave. My cave. I put the fruits in a spot that I've just decided is my spot I'll keep my fruits.

"I should make a basket to hold them! May be those skills did in fact come in handy." I ran back outside and collected tough grass and leaves to make said basket.

I really do hope you enjoyed this first chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'll try to keep up with the same schedule I had with my first book since it seemed to work really well for me. BYEEEE!

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