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Enjoy this lousy piece of work if you can call it work at all tbh with you. But enjoy it nyway, please.

<Sonic's POV>
I watched as the other hedgehog walked into the room closing the door behind himself. He strolled over to me, and seemed to look at the chains for a long second.

"If you just came in here to stare at me I'd much rather be interrogated again. And that was torture." I snarled at the black hedgehog that loomed over me. He took his sweet time responding to my remark.

"I've been told to watch you to make sure you don't escape. I don't want to be here anymore than you do hedgehog." God his voice was cold. No need to be so cold to someone you just met. Was my only thought.

"Okay you edgy bitch, no need to be so cold." I rolled my eyes as he snarled in response to my comment.

"Plus look at how tight these chains are, I'm not escaping any time soon edge-lord." I was going to keep going until he responded to me properly.

"Quit calling me edgy, hedgehog." Well at least he responded.

"And you be creative edge-lord!" I shouted at him out of my anger of being there but stopped just before I said anymore when I heard a female voice from the vents. I flicked my ear in response. It was the pink hedgehog from earlier! That must mean Tails is here too, he's okay! I thought in joy, and stopped talking while I could feel myself visibly relax. The black hedgehog gave me a questioning look.

"Don't look at me like that edgy." I retorted at his look.

"Whatever. You're too noisy." I was barely paying attention since I was trying to listen to see if I could hear Tails again. I caught a few things;

"He n--ds he-p but Shadow'- t---e" That was definitely Tails, but I saw.. Shadow I guess twitch his ear. He can hear them.

"You're just too quiet weirdo." I tried to take his attention away, which earned me a weird look.

"Typically someone who just got kidnapped wouldn't be talking so much." I was about to snap back an answer when I felt a sharp pain in my chest from moving too much, and hissed quietly in pain.

"Well may be I just want to make it less dark on my end so I don't break down or something. Would you rather me cry?" I growled at him. He looked at me, and rolled his eyes when I heard the door open. I looked at it. Great, it's more of those "G.U.N" people, where will they take me now? I thought to myself as they walked up, and grabbed me.

"OW! BE A LITTLE CAREFUL ON THE CHAINS WILL YA?!" I got no response or change and instead they started walking along while they were roughly dragging me, and I hissed in pain everytime we made a turn or sped up a little. God these chains were a pain, and it felt like I was bleeding. I looked down to see if I was just imagining the feeling or if I was actually bleeding and did see blood. Fuck. I winced as they took off the chains leaving my hands tied together at a reasonable length apart and threw me in a cell looking thing. I winced in pain once again from hitting the floor so hard. I looked up at the bars only to see that the person had already walked away and that Shadow dude was walking up. Great.

"Why do you people even perceive me as such a threat? I didn't even do anything wrong!" He stopped walking short of my cell.

"They have reason to believe you kidnapped a young fox."

"HE'S MY BROTHER! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST UNDERSTAND THAT?!" I snapped again. This entire situation was annoying.

"I have no say in what happens hedgehog. Don't yell at me." He was too calm, how could he be so calm about such an annoying situation? I was about to make another remark before he had walked away leaving me alone in the small lousy cell. I stood up wincing while looking around then down at my cuts that were still bleeding. I sighed as best I could without hurting myself from the same cuts on my chest. I heard footsteps coming from down a hall to my left, and looked that way only to remember that I couldn't look anywhere out of my cell. I carefully listened as whoever was there got closer, then looked at the front of the cell when they got into this hallway. Yet another person I don't know! How many of these guys are there? I thought to myself as they walked up to the front of the cell.

"What do you people want now? Haven't you gotten the information you wanted?!" I knew my questions wouldn't be answered but asked anyway. They opened the cell door and I took the chance to run out of the door only to feel a horrible painful feeling zip through my entire body. I fell to the floor on my knees holding back shouts of pain before it stopped and I saw that same person walk up to me, dragging me to my feet.

"What the hell was that?!" No response. This is really starting to agitate me. I'd rather have that Shadow dude near me right now, at least he actually talks to me.

"Respond to me already!" No response again. They started dragging me down the hall without minding any of my bleeding or whatever pain I have from what just happened. I haven't been in this much pain since I was a kid..

"I didn't do anything wrong!" They threw me in a room, and shut the door. Again.

Well I guess he's suffering 💀, too bad too sad. (JK JK I LOVE HIM)

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