Planning and Moving.

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I finally wrote something again :D please cut me some slack for a while, I'll be a bit rusty for now.

<Sonic's POV>
Tails had come by the next day and asked me if I had wanted to go with him or Shadow which I thought was a bit random but I decided I'd talk to Shadow about it.

I was putting a few things in a bag that I have from someone just randomly throwing it on the ground when someone walked in, I wqs sure who though since I was too busy 'packing' up my stuff.

"Need any help?" It was Shadow. I shook my head as I kept packing some of my more important stuff. He huffed a response, and leaned against the wall. After a few more moments of putting my stuff into the bag, I looked at him.

"Hey Shadz?" He looked at me, the look on his face silently urging me to speak. I thought about how to word it before asking the question.

"You–" I paused before re-wording, earning a weird gaze from Shadow. "–Is it a possibility to move in with you instead of Tails?" He seemed almost stunned by the proposal but shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't see why not." I sighed quietly in relief at his lack of a reaction, I was kind of scared he'd refuse harshly or something. I smiled at him before looking back at the bag, and shutting it securely.

"I need to talk to Tails really quick, I'll be right back!" Before he could respond I dashed away, I don't know why I was so nervous. He's been acting so nice to me, I don't have any reason to be nervous even if I was asking to move in with him.

I eventually made it to Tails' place, and knocked. Soon after he answered the door and I smiled at him quickly.

"Hey buddy! Shadow said he was fine with me moving with him so-" I ended my sentence in an almost cut-off kind of way, I did that sometimes because I talked too fast and the word didn't sound quite finished.

"Oh, okay Sonic! That's great, is that it?" He seemed to be thinking about something, but I shrugged it away, and nodded.


"Okay, well I'll talk to you later!" He closed the door after out short talk, and I quickly ran back to the woods to talk to Shadow again. After maybe one or two minutes I made it back and noticed Shadow just leaning against a wall of the cave(??PLEASE I STILL DUNNO WHAT TO CALL IT).

~A few hours later, at Shadow's house~

"Was it really necessary to bring my baskets too? I mean I feel like it might take up too much space–" Shadow cut me off mid-sentence with a very quick 'Tss-' and a glance.

"Don't worry about that." He responded while helping me move the clothes and leaf baskets I did have into an extra room in his house.(Yes Ik they don't wear clothes, but Idk what else he'd have as a dude that lived in the woods.)

"Okay than.. But if you want me to ever get rid of them just say so." He nodded, and we took a while of, what felt like an awkward silence to me, to move in the bit of what I did have from the cave thing to his house. It only took so long because of the distance, but it did feel tedious after a few trips.

Eventually that was finished and I just have to get comfortable living here now.. That's going to take a while, isn't it?

I'm sorry the chapter is so short
:( this is the first one I wrote since my break, and I'm warming back up to it. They'll get longer soon, bye babes! <3

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