Almost Caught

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I think I'm doing pretty well on this story, I've been actually keeping up with my word count goal easily! Enjoy this new chapter. (I'll update you guys when I'm planning to post the continuation book)

<Sonic's POV>
Once I got my hoodie on I headed out of my make-shift door that led to the other room, and slightly awoke Tails to ask him some things.

"Hey bud?" I crouched down and gently shook him by the shoulder.

"Mmm..Yeah Sonic?" He responded without moving to face me, and I took my hand off his shoulder.

"I kind of need to know what houses to go to so that I'm not just guessing and immediately messing it all up." I explained what
I needed, and he told me the two addresses and instantly fell back asleep. I stood up, and walked out my leafy door while making sure not to ruffle it too much as to not wake Tails. I was walking at first so that I didn't make too much noise but after a while I began to run out of pure instinct all the while I made sure I didn't run into those people again. When I got close enough to the town to see it I stopped running and brought the hood up to cover my face and hide my quills. I made sure that I didn't have any blue showing that nobody would be able to identify me later if worse comes to worst. I walked into the town and started looking for the addresses that Tails had told me when he woke up for a few minutes again since I needed information. I saw one and walked over to it then knocked. I heard footsteps then the door opened and there was a pink hedgehog in front of me.

"Hello, do you need something.. Sir?" She obviously had trouble figuring out my gender but I couldn't really care any less since my only worry was finishing this idea with my body still intact, if his friends reacted anything like how I would I'd probably end up leaving with new found scars.

"I just need to inform you that your friend Tails will be out of touch for a while." I began to inch backward while waiting for a response in hopes she wouldn't just attack me, although I could easily run away from the situation I wouldn't want it to start incase I did need to fight back since Tails would be mad at me if I fought one of his friends. I could see her expression change from confused to suspicious but luckily she didn't show any signs of wanting to kill me or anything so I stopped inching away.

"And why won't he be in touch exactly?" I was glad she wasn't attacking me, and was instead just trying to figure out why but how could I explain this to someone I don't know? That's like trying to explain to a chipmunk that they can't collect nuts. They won't understand you. I thought for a moment.

"Something's going on and he needs to be off the grid for a bit." And with that I ran away as fast I could which ended up with her thinking I disappeared because from I saw she just stood there in shock before running back inside and slamminf the door with what ended up being a defeaning sound coming from the door slam. I ran to the other address and hoped this one would be either the same or easier than the last one had been. I knocked, and again heard footsteps coming to the door which led to me seeing a red echidna open the door.

"What." Was all he said. Gosh, you could at least try to be a bit nicer than that.

"Your friend Tails won't be in touch for a while." The echidna's expression turned angry at the statement. Great, I'll have to get myself out of the situation once it escalates.

"Did you kidnap him?! If you did I'll kill you!" He started to walk toward me, and I backed away just as quickly as he persued.

"Woah there, don't just jump to conclusions. I wouldn't do anything like that, he just had something happen and needed to be off the grid for a while." He only kept persuing me but raised his fist to punch me now. I backed away quicker and looked behind me to see how much area I have left to run. Not much. I raised my hands defensively to my chest as I turned to face him again only to be met by a fist to my face.

"Ow. I said not to jump to conclusions! You don't need to attack me!" I hit the wall that I had saw behind me and cursed under my breath. Before I could react I felt another fist to my face. I ducked downward before he could hit me again and tripped him by pulling his leg from under him, and ran off back toward the cave with small drops of blood coming from my mouth. I thought I saw a black hedgehog out of the corner of my eye but ignored it until I heard speaking so I grabbed a vine, and swung myself into a tree to watch. I did infact see a hedgehog, he was around my size with red stripes on his quills and seemed from first glance that he'd be rude. I shrugged and jumped from tree to tree until I made it back to the cave and slid down a vine not knowing that said hedgehog saw me and tried to follow me but failed. I took the hood off after walking inside, and wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth.

"Dang that dude can punch hard. That hurt." I said to myself as I walked into a different room to change into more comfortable clothes.

Shadow 🤔, wonder why he'd want to follow Sonic. Guess we'll never know, unless we just wanna say because he's gay.

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