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"Ms.Maraj, I'm Officer Edwin and I wanna ask you a few questions pertaining to this case involving your boyfriend and his ex lover."

I was scared but I had to be honest and knew that I had to keep Renn in jail or I was doomed because I knew the bitch would send niggas out to kill me.

He took me in a cold empty break room as he closed the door.

"Alright, no need to be worried.Take a deep breath, "the officer said as I inhaled and exhaled.

He took out a tape recorder as I sighed.

"You ready ,"he asked about to press the record button.

I nodded as he pressed it.

State your name and age.

Onika Maraj and I'm 28 years old.

What happened on Saturday night?

On Saturday my boyfriend and I were attacked by these bad guys and then his ex girlfriend Renn Daniels saved my life and the three of us decided to run. We parked in a parking lot as we rested and then stuck needles in him.I personally think she wanted intercourse and he refused because the bitch is crazy.

You said you were attacked but by whom?

These bad guys from our past,they held my boyfriend and I hostage for three whole months.

Was it gang related or drug related or..

No, it's just these guys took us hostage while I was pregnant.

Is there any police report on it?

Yes sir.

Where were you when Ms.Daniels stuck needles in your boyfriend?

I was in our car and he was in the car by us and heard him yell out.

I was annoyed by the questions already.All these who, what, when,why,how like nigga.I was ready to get back by my baby's side not answer this stupid shit.



"Alright damn that's enough,"I said wincing at the peroxide the nurse put on my cuts.

She bandaged my arm up as she put a bandaid under my right eye.

I looked like Nelly for crying out loud.

My other arm was handcuffed.

"What the fuck is this," I asked the nurse as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Bitch you know,"I spat.

"Ms.Daniels relax with all the commotion, I'm Officer Richmond and I just wanna ask you a few questions. "

The nurse left as the officer closed the door.

"Oooh ,you cute," I said batting my eyelashes.

He chuckled.

"Thank You," he said taking a seat in front of me.

"You a big boy huh,"I asked as he shook his head.

"Lets keep it professional."

"Look you wanna ask me questions ,so Imma ask you some questions .Is that a problem."

He licked his lips.

"I suppose its not. "

"First uncuff me,I'm way to pretty to run and sweat my edges out. "

He chuckled as he handcuffed my hand.

I pushed his rolling chair to the door as I walked in front of him.

I was about to have some fun and get set free.

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Next Update Sunday

His Property will be updated Tomorrow so be on the lookout.

Keeping His Secrets(Book 3 of Secrets)Where stories live. Discover now