Kae x Chris

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I sped home ,my lip was busted and my nose was bledding.

Damn it August ,I said to myself hitting the steering wheel.

I cut my car off as I tried to wipe most of the blood off  my nose.

I got out and locked my cardoor.

I looked down seeing my clothes ripped.

I looked like shit .

I banged on my house door as Kae opened it.

"Look at you ! We why come here go to that bitch you had a love child with ."

"Don't start cho shit,"I said pushing past her.

Kal ran out his room with Mel following him.

"Dad what happened to you,"Kal asked.

"Just had a Lil fight I'm all good,"I said.

"Did my dad beat you up Uncle Chris,"Mel asked as I frowned.

"No!Your fucking dad didn't do shit,I yelled."

Mel jumped as I smirked.

"Your a wuss just like your no good Daddy."

"Chris don't talk to Mel like that,"Kae said butting in.

"You always jumping in shit that does not concern you."

"Why the hell would you talk to a four year old like that ?"She asked.

"Cause I can do whatever I please,"I said walking upstairs.

"Seems like August whooped your ass and your upset about it,"Kae mumbled.

I ran back down the steps as I got in her face.

"You fucking him or some too ,"I asked as she backed up.

"Why the fuck would I fuck August behind your back ,I should be asking who you been fuckin?"

"Cause you a sneaky ass Lil Bitch,"I said loudly as Mel and Kal ran upstairs.

"I'm not a bitch Chris, I guess that bitch you got pregnant got you changing huh?Or that Lil weak ass income you bring in every month."

"At least I bring some to the table all you do is spend MY money ."

"Fuck you and your money,"Kae said pushing me as I slammed her against the wall.

She dropped to the ground as I breathed hard.

"That's what yo dumb ass get ,"I said laughing to myself.


"Get up now,"I said as she didn't move.

"Kae?"I said bending down shaking her as she made no sort of movement.

Kal looked over the stairwell as I looked at him .

"What's wrong with Mommy,"he asked with fear in his voice.

"Go back in your room," I yelled as he sniffed.

"What's wrong with Mommy,"he asked again with tears dropping down his face.

"Everything is gonna be okay Kal."

I didn't no if I was tryna calm him down or myself.

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