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I hit the unlock button to the car as Nicki got in.

I buckled up as I started the car.

Trey waved us off,as I drove out of the parking lot.

Nicki had her head turnt towards the window.

My mind really wasn't on ha, I was trying to make my way to a damn stoe .A nigga had da munchies bad as hell.

I knew I was gonna be in hell ta'night by Nicki's body language .

I parked my car at a mini mart up da street from da house.

"Ya want somethin?"I asked Nicki as she sighed.

"I wanna slap the shit out of you is what I want, "Nicki said as I looked dumbfounded.

"I just asked ya ass if you wanted something out of da stoe and you giving me all this attitude, "I said.

"I want a damn garbage bag, "Nicki said as I sighed and got out of the car.




August slammed the door as he walked into the store.As long as August been with me he should know when he's fucked up.

His little dumb ass think I don't know what happened in Amber's car but I do.

Little fucker could of AT LEAST zipped his zipper up.

I was getting pissed by the second at his no good ass.

I rubbed my hands as I looked at my nails.

Damn I didn't want to have to beat his ass but some people have to learn the hard way.

August finally came back out of the store looking high as a kite.

I rolled my eyes when he got back in the car.

I closed my eyes as I practiced trying to calm myself down.

It angered me that a basic bitch as Amber touched my property but it really angered me that my property allowed it to happen.



I opened my eyes seeing August take his shades off.

"Hell you slapped me for,"August yelled as I jumped.

"Your lucky that's all I did,"I said.

He was mad at me for slapping him but he's the one still being unfaithful.

But I'm sleep doe.

"Suck it up and take me home,"I said as August pursed his lips.

"What was suppose to be a 10 minute ride turned into a 5 minute ride. "

I grabbed my purse as I got out of the car.

I knew August was mad but so was I .

It hurts getting cheated on!

I got my house keys out as I unlocked the door.

We had damn near been in court the whole day and I missed my little man Mel.

I took my heels off as I sat on the couch and rubbed the heel of my foot.

August walked in with his bag as he sat it down.

"So you gonna look in my face and act like you ain't do what you did back there at the stoe. "

"Your no good ass deserved it,"I said as August watched me.

"See I let a lot of things slide August and it's only so much one can take."

He loosened his tie from around his neck as he took off his dress shoes.

"I'm trying da best I can. I'm trying to help raise our son and be the best future husband to you that I can."

"Your a great father August but not a future husband material."

"So whatcha saying Ma?"

"I'm saying until I'm your number one I don't wanna walk down the aisle and say "I do" to you."

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Next-Update Thursday

Excuse any errors

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