Fake or Real⋆Finney⋆

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I punch and punch him in that ugly ass face of his, until he passes the fuck out.

"Ok ok ok y/n y/n stop stop!" Finney yells at me whilst pulling me off.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID BITCH, YOU'RE LUCKY THATS NOT YOU ON THE FLOOR RIGHT NOW." I yell at the person in the crowd while pointing to Finn's bullies. Buzz, matt and Matty lying on the floor unconscious.

"Ok y/n you made your point. Just stop c'mon."
Finn says dragging me to the gender neutral bathroom.

"Finn-finn stop I'm good!"

"Jesus Christ I told you not to get into anymore fights!"

"Finn, those assholes just beat you up like twenty minutes ago!"


"Finn if you don't want me getting into fights then fucking stand up for yourself!"


"Why don't you do anything when they're doing that shit to you?"


"So first you don't want me to stand up for you, now you don't want me to talk to you? Alright I get it I'll just leave, maybe I'll just go missing if I'm such a bother." I'm so fucking annoyed, I was just trying to help. I go to leave but he pulls my waist back towards him. His warm breath on my neck. I look up at him and I start giggling at his pissed off face. I caress his cheek and his face softened as I smiled.

"Look, I don't stand up for myself cause I'm scared, that if I do...they'll possibly do way worse to me the next time, and they've threatened to hurt gwen. And they said that...they'll expose my family problems, such as my mom committing suicide, and how my dad's an alcoholic and he hits me and gwen, and I don't need that shit to be out there. I don't even know how he knows!" Finney says with tears threatening to spill.

"Oh, poor baby." I mutter before hugging him. He softly cries as he snuggles his face into my neck. Someone busts into the bathroom, it's buzz's fucking girlfriend. She stares at us until I finally speak up.

"Que mires perra." I say barely nodding my head up at her.

"You fucked up my boyfriend you stupid hoe."

"Well your boyfriend fucked up mine, so now we're even."

"No it's only even until we fight."

"Let's take this outside, yeah?"

"I'll see your hoe ass in 5, and if you don't show. Well, you'll see."

"If you're planning on jumping me again I'll just do what I did to you guys yesterday."


"Exactly, that's why you're little minions aren't here to help you, cause they're still in the hospital huh?"

"I-uhm, yeah."

"Exactly so you aren't gonna do shit. At least not without your minions, but they still got four more weeks in that hospital."
She doesn't say anything, she just looks at me.

"So for those next four weeks, and so on. You and, your little friend group AND your boyfriend will leave me and my boyfriend alone, got it?"


"Good, now go." Without any hesitation she leaves.
Finney turns to look at me with a smirk.



"I just thought that maybe it could help if I was your fake girlfriend."

"Fake, or real?" He says getting closer to my face, I keep backing up until my back hits the corner of the walls. I look up at him.

"Your decision.", I say as I slowly lean in. He quickly closed the back between us.

This was ASS but it's to keep you guys entertained for rn, andddddd I'm posting more and they're way better than these.

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