A/N - Stories & Rambles

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I know, I know, I hate Author's Notes, too. But I wanted to know. Do y'all prefer the new cover or the old cover. If you forgot, I'll attach the old cover above.

For the upcoming chapters, I will be changing tenses. I realized that I have written... weirdly(?) in the past. Now, I'll be trying to fix it.

The next chapter should be coming soon. I've just been procrastinating on so many things recently - and doing other things instead. Did y'all see that new story? Or the new covers I gave my stories? They look fantastic! And the cover for "Simon", I feel, looks better than the rest of 'em.


I have a LOT of stories on my Google Docs, but some of them I feel embarrassed about publishing. I have a few that are over 60+ pages. Let's see I have some fanfic about...

1. A Sailor Moon story called "All For Sailor Jupiter", a crackfic that I'm torn in making the main character be with Makoto (Sailor Jupiter) or Jadeite (I know, villain, but hot villain). Meet girl to guy (when they really have no gender) who adores Makoto and wants to watch Sailor Moon in real life but faces real life, strange memories, that one annoying voice, and an unknown power.

     - If I pair my OC with Makoto, then this will be my only guy-girl love story that I publish.

     - If I pair my OC with Jadeite, Makoto and my OC will be best friends on the prowl for her next boyfriend.

2. Basically, an otome smut story (Dying inside). The real story probably doesn't start until 5+ chapters into the book. The rest is just smut or the one family moment. Cliche villain reborn story, but this person is horny as f*ck but wants to keep face, so he only does "stuff" when storms are around. It's literally called "Thunderous Nights".

3. A Death Note story called "Ueno" or something. It's a title in progress, but it's about a high school boy who, after the national exams, ranks after Light and becomes obsessed with winning against him. Off the bat, my OC is messed up with voice recorders & Light likes messing with him but hates the shady stuff my OC pulls.

Imagine a complete stranger in your house talking to your family saying that they're your friend from school, but you have NO clue who they are. That's my OC. Anyway, in the process of their own little battle and Light's fight with L and the Death Note, they become fond of one another - lowkey obsessed with each other - and while the ending is unknown, I know that I don't want either of them to die or for Light to succeed with the Death Note.

4. Don't judge but... I've got a Yaribu fanfiction, "Hideo". If y'all know what that is, it's really good and it's an OC paired up with Shikitani, the clean freak. If y'all don't know what that is, forget it.

What did you just read? Uh oh, it's blurred out. Could you re-type it?

No way in hell, senpai.

5. I have a Harry Potter fanfiction that's set back in Tom Riddle's time at the orphanage. This one, I stopped after reading a much better story on Wattpad. It made me realize how little I really knew about the times and effects in England at that time. Either way, it is cute. Though, most of it is written before Tom goes to Hogwarts. It's called "Riddle & Dawson".

6. I've got a Wolfblood story. It's a work in progress and its title needs work - it has none yet. It's about Shannon Kelly's older brother, by a year, turning into a wolfblood and his relationship with Jimi.

     - If you've noticed, I have a surprising amount of stories that take annoying male characters and give them mature tops that make them better people. Why? If anyone's interested in psychology, please tell me.

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