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When Chika's turquoise eyes finally drifted open, his phone was softly playing his mother's song. A feeling of immense sadness yet happiness overwhelmed him as he slowly sat up with a deep sigh. If yesterday Chika was grumpy, then today he might just be sad.

Remembering his grumpy mood from the day before, Chika groaned into his hands. To begin, he made Wataru cry, yelled at two teachers and a principal, indirectly called an old man a pedophile, harshly rejected more than one girl, put Fuuto into a chokehold. In front. Of. Ukyo, and worst of all, called Ukyo "hot" to his face.

Ukyo. Face. Hot. Said.

"Ahhh!" Chika grabbed one of his pillows and screamed into it. When he called down, he grabbed his phone to check the time and stop the music. "It's only six in the morning... And there are eleven days left until New Year's Day..."

Seeing an email notification on his phone, Chika clicked onto it to see an announcement from the school. There would be no classes today or the rest of the week due to an accidental fire in the kitchen the night before and Christmas break. The police were still investigating it.

When Chika looked down at his clothes, he realized he was still in his school uniform. Taking in a deep breath, he stood up and went to take a shower. The feeling of sweat and dirt on him made Chika's skin crawl. He had removed his clothes in the bathroom and thrown them into his hamper, then waited. Once the water's temperature got up to his level, Chika got in.

Just outside Chika's door a few minutes later, Fuuto was debating whether to knock or just open the door. He wanted to check something, specifically something that made his mind wander back to those stupid articles his friend sent him. The love articles.

Rolling his eyes, Fuuto thought he was being stupid and Chika was probably still asleep. The boy had passed out pretty hard the day before. He hadn't even come down for dinner. So, Fuuto opened the door.

The sound of a running shower hit his ears and Fuuto's shoulders slacked. What was he so worried about? The guy wasn't even in his bed or paying attention.

Walking further into Chika's room, Fuuto looked around. The majority of Chika's room was pretty organized except for the scattered papers and writing utensils on his desk along with a messy bed. Fuuto walked over to the bed and pressed a hand to where Chika's body might have been. It was still warm.

The instruments on the walls or placed in places where they wouldn't be a bother were eye catching to him. He had never seen so many instruments in one place other than a music store. Fuuto found his eyes inspecting even the smallest item in the room until his eyes landed on a box underneath Chika's bed.

"Hm?" Fuuto crouched down to pull the box out from underneath. It was surprisingly heavy. Opening the box, Fuuto was faced with a few photo albums and a medium sized jewelry box. "Jewelry?" Fuuto asked himself, opening the box to see beautiful earrings and necklaces stuffed inside like a monkey's graveyard of banana peels.

Hearing the shower stop, Fuuto's blood ran cold and he quickly closed the jewelry box before pushing the cardboard moving box back underneath Chika's bed and standing up. The bathroom door slid open and out walked a-

A half-naked Chika.

"Eh?" Chika stopped as soon as he saw Fuuto.

"Eh?" Fuuto froze, staring at Chika from head to toe. The dripping dark blue hair, red tinted skin from the water being scalding, a white towel barely hanging off of Chika's lower body, and he especially watched the water droplets cascade down Chika's chest before being absorbed at the tip of the towel.

Chika || Brothers Conflict BLWhere stories live. Discover now